Chapter 2-Visible To Certain People

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*Beep Beep Beep*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. My eyes flutter open to the sight of the ceiling above me. I roll over to my side reaching the alarm clack that was going off on the coffee table. Instead it was to far for me to reach and I basically roll off the couch and landing on the ground with a loud *thud*

I lift myself off the ground and sit up. I reach over the table and shut off my alam clock that was going off at 6 in the morning. I stare at it for a minute and finally get up and walk over to the kitchen. I started cooking breakfeast for myself but I remembered that the skeleton was staying here for now but he would leave today.

I make scrambled eggs, a bowl of bacon, 2 breads of toast , and waffles. I grab two plates, one for me and one for him. I walk over to my bedroom door and knocked on it.

There was no respond...

I knock on it again but nothing in return

"H-hey umm...I made you breakfast so ill just leave it right here in front of the door for you okay? I have to head out for school so ill see you later...or not"

I then put the plate of food on the ground in front of the door and make my way to the coffee table. I sit down on the ground eating my breakfast until I was finished, and i put my dish in the sink. I walk over to my closet that was in the living room and take out some clothes.

I took off my pj's and threw them in a basket near the closet. I slipped on some black bootcut jeans, a plad red and black long sleeve shirt, rolled up the sleeves, I slip on some white socks, and stuck my feet in some old red high top converse. I walk over to my closte again and take out my satchel that i'll be needing for school today.

I walk over to the counter where I set my keys last night and held them in my right hand. I walk back to the couch and take my black sweater that I wore last night. I notice as I look out the window, a few drops of water came from the sky. I walk up to the huge window look outside.

In a matter of seconds rain began to poor down from the sky above me. The sun was nowhere to be seen as I look up to see the sky engulfed in dark gloomy clouds. I look down to see the city but it looked pretty sad and depressing when I looked at it from the angle im standing from angle.

I walk back to my door and hesitate to knock but I did anyways

. . .

" heading off to school so i'll be back at around 3pm. If you need anything you can call me. There's a home phone on my kitchen counter and I already labled myself in th-"

I then thought about what I said a realized that I never told him my name.

"He doesnt know my name..."

I look down on the ground and rephrase my sentance.

"I'll be back 3pm and when I get home im gonna go to the store to get some stuff I forgot..."

I turn around and walk over to the door. I make sure I have everything I need and slowly turned the knob, open the door, and close it right behind me. I take out my key and lock it, knowing that he can't go anywhere because he is a monster and be hunted down for that.

(Timeskip walking to school)

I open the doors to my high school and scooted myself in. I was completely soaked and my clothes were drenched in water. I walked through the rain and didn't have an umbrella to use so I just walked carefree on into my school.

JohnsonHage High School (Just made that up right now)

I felt my body shaking and tried warming myself but I was too drenched in water. I shrug it off and began walking forward to my locker that was only a couple feet down.

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