Chapter 38- Test Subject #E3S507 PART 3

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- Now I know what your all thinking, where the hell is Scar? Well once you finish reading this then you'll find out where she is. Also just a little reminder, after you finish reading this boring little paragraph things do get a little confusing so do pay attention. Everything will fall into place-


What day is it?...

Monday? Friday? April? December? Honestly I've completely lost track of time. I dont even know if its day or night. It feels like I've been in this dreadful place for years, but Eric told me I've only been here for a couple months.

Why do days now feel like they drag on forever, as if they weren't day but weeks...

I'm completely loosing it. I need to focus and I need to deal with the situation I'm in now, which is...

Being strapped onto a metal table...

"Is everything in order? Have you looked over any miscalculations?"

"No sir everything is set and there seems to be no trouble, I believe we are good to go"

Well this is just great...

Another test...

I hate these but some of the one's that I've had weren't that bad. At least, not so painful. It's like I'm their own little play toy and I'm sick of it. I sighed with a tiresome face as all the doctors gathered around me, setting up their tools and the shit they needed to get done.

"Alright let's begin the operation"

A doctor leans over me, placing a mask over my mouth. I try fighting it but another man grabbed my head and held it still. He finally got the mask around my head and I growl under my breath. I hear a machine being turned on and inhale the particles that were being put inside me.

Oh and just so you all know it ain't no mask that puts you to sleep. They put something inside of me to see my reaction to every fucking new drug they make. I overheard in the past that they were trying to turn me into some alternate weapon. I don't know why or how they'll be able to do that unless they have complete control over me.

Which they don't but as of right now since I'm strapped to a table then yes. My body was feeling weak and my arms and legs felt heavy but my eyes were still wide open. Everything shoulder down began to hurt, as if it were sore.

I turn my head over to see Eric talking to one of the scientist who were taking notes. It looked like they were arguing about something but I couldn't hear because I was too far. My heart suddenly started to race and I knew this is where things get bad for me...

E r i c

"Dr. Black please! I highly suggest we stop this operation! The serum we are injecting into him has an unknown cause! We have no evidence if it is even safe for the human body!"

He began writing on his clipboard taking notes and checking on Damian. He places the pencil down and gazes up at me, irritated and annoyed by my choice of words...

"Look, I know how much you care about the boy but he is only an object and yes I know he is human being just like the rest of us but he is only use to us if he is tested. He is a test subject. No more and no less so please stop asking me, I have no authority to seize this operation. I am only obeying orders from the Supreme Commander"

"Then talk to him! Please I'm begging you!"

"I'm sorry Dr. Cannerts but I can't do anything about it. You can try contacting him but it'll be very difficult since he's always very busy"

Hurts Like Hell (G!SansxReader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang