Recreating Connections

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It’s morning. The sun rays struggle to get through the curtain. A sweet smell surrounds Ikarrus’ room that makes her open her eyes with a smile. She gets up to brush her teeth and hears a voice coming from downstairs. “Breakfast is ready girls!” Ikarrus hurries down the stairs after taking a refreshing shower and skips the last two steps to sit in her chair to eat and find her mother cleaning some dishes she had used to cook. “Mmm…pancakes,” said Ikarrus.

“I knew you would wake up fast if I made them, after all, it’s Monday”.

“True it sucks to begin a day like this all tired and hungry”.

“Peneloppe, come downstairs right now so you can eat breakfast or you’ll be late!”

“Give me a minute, still doing my hair!” yelled Ikarrus’ younger sister from her room.

  Ikarrus had already begun to eat when Peneloppe came down. Her blood red hair shone in the morning light, her green eyes were surrounded with blue eyeliner. She also had a blue bow on her hair and she seemed skinnier. She was in a hurry and had to scarf all the food down. As they said their goodbyes to their mother they headed out of their house. It was their first day back at school after a long warm summer. It’s Peneloppes first day as a freshmen in high school. But Ikarrus was more excited than her sister.

  Although she became a junior, she was gonna see her friends again. Aalex had gone on a vacation with his family to a latin country and Daniella went to summer camp after visiting her family in Alabama. She was very lonely but at least she was able to keep contact with them online and was able to call them every so often. They lived two blocks away from the high school and were about to arrive. She texted her friends the night before to agree of a place to find each other easily.“Peneloppe keep walking down this hall then take a left and the second on your right is your homeroom, I suggest you go in early. I’m gonna go find my friends see you later and good luck,” said Ikarrus to her sister with a slight chant and a smile. She rushed down the opposite way and hurried to the back of the school. There at the lobby were Aalex and Daniella waiting for Ikarrus. “Oh my wish!” yelled Ikarrus running towards them. They both received her with a great bit hug. “ No way! I missed both of  you so much,” said Aalex.

“Me too. I couldn’t hit you guys up much because the camp didn’t allow online connection or the use of technology. I was lucky I was able to snag the phone a few times without getting caught”.

“Damn, that’s terrible,” said Ikarrus with sympathy.

“Come on gals, I got each of you a souveniere,” said Aalex pulling into his book bag.

“Aww, you didn’t have to,” said Daniella.

“That’s so sweet, you cute lil’ thing,” said Ikarrus in a playful tone smiling.

  Aalex finally pulled out the gifts and handed a tiny box to each of them. When Ikarrus opened her box she found a short necklace with a black crystal-like stone hanging in the front with glitter inside and out of the stone. It shinned brighter than any other accessory she had. “Do you like it?” Aalex asked enthusiastically.

“I…I love it, I’ve never seen anything so bright and shiny. Thank you so much”

“It’s a precious rock with spiritual energy. Each color has a unique energy power”.

“Woah, this is too extreme! You got me a charm bracelet with triangles and a lock with my name on it. These blue pearls on the side are nailing it. Thanks!” yelled out Daniella with a spark in her eyes.

“It’s custom made, I knew you liked blue and triangles so I told the lady to put that and some extra bling that turned out being pearls, I’m glad you liked it because it’s supposed to bring good luck,” Aalex explained.

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