Unknowingly Discovered Dimension

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“Holly shit. Okay. Explain,” Ikarrus said as calm as possible with some nerve in her eyes.

“I am your soul,” Sylvinne answered.

“Oh so that’s what you meant by opening your seal?”


“That means that you’ve been the one talking to me, right?”

“Indeed I have. You have a very dirty mouth when you visit this place”.

“Damn. Really?”

“Ha ha, yes you do”.

“Alright. Can you tell me how these creatures know my name and exactly what they are?”

“Of course, this fairy with the black wings is Serraine. The dwarf with the long beard is Boniggle. The elf hanging off of the tree branch is Esdeff and the lovely mermaid with the wildly colored hair is Shantill”.

“Nice to meet you all”.

“We really missed you Miss Ikarrus!” said Esdeff with his playful voice.

“It’s nice to have you back,” said Shantill.

“Same here,” said Boniggle.

“Is everyone here the only people around?” Ikarrus asked.

“Well there ARE a lot of other people but you can’t see them yet. But they can’t see you either,” said Serrane.

“I can’t? Why?” asked Ikarrus.

“You’re not dead yet,” said Shantill.

“What the fuck? I’m confused. Where exactly am I?” Ikarrus questioned desperately and outplaced.

“This is the ‘other’ dimension as live humans say but it’s almost like a parallel universe or so. People’s personality doesn’t really become the opposite, it automatically alters when they die,” said Sylvinne attempting to calm Ikarrus.

“Just tell me from the damn beginning because I’m completely lost,” said Ikarrus.

“First of all, your hypothesis of there being no religion is true”.

“I fucking knew it”.

“Now, this is not heaven or hell. This is only the place where souls arrive after death, basically the ‘afterlife’ of living. All those people guilty of doing the worst things in their life must go through a long and almost eternal journey to arrive to this place. Some get tormented with their own memories from the past and give up. That’s why it can be eternal but only by their own choice”.

“That’s pretty fair”.


“So that makes this place the ‘afterlife of peace’?”

“Somewhat. Back to what I was mentioning previously, people aren’t judged like most religions do and there is no Jesus, Budah, Alah or anything like that. The creatures the meddle throughout this land are not mythical, they all exist but can’t be seen in the live human world so they live here”.

“Maybe a person that was alive saw them and wrote about it. I’ve also seen mermaid sightings and heard so many things about elfs and dwarfs”.

“Hey, I know what you’ve heard about my kind! We do not steal at all!” said Esdeff.

“We don’t sing to seduce and drown men,” said Shantill.

“We aren’t mean and we don’t break big things at all, nothing of any sort is true,” added Boniggle.

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