Creating Things That Existed

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“Did you bring your camera?” Daniella asked.

“Yes. It’s in my bag,” Aalex replied.

  Autumn passed by quickly and snow already had begun to fall. The eleventh grades school trip was today. As they all got on the bus Ikarrus looked at the taken seats and sat in the middle near the back with Adriann, Daniella and Aalex. She was excited about it but the cold drew her to a corner, she looked outside putting her headphones on, and slept all the way listening to music.

♪ “I’ve been away searching for a reason,

another purpose to find.

I’ve sailed the seas, fought my many demons,

I’ve look to guards in the skies.

I’ve stood in hell when many had to suffer,

I stabbed the devil in the eyes.

Walked many roads to witness ancient idols,

And found the great gates of fire...” ♪

“Ikarrus, get up,” said Daniella wobbling her leg.

“You guys go on ahead, I’ll lead her down when she is fully awake,” said Adriann with a reassuring look.

  Ikarrus was wide awake when she saw Adriann beside her. He opened a granola bar and handed it to her. Ikarrus grabbed it and began to eat it. “Thanks”.

“No problem”.

“Oh my wish where’s everybody?”

“They all left, I told Aalex and Daniella to go on ahead. I said I would stay until you were fully awake to take you there”.

“How long has it been since everybody left?”

“About half an hour, Daniella tried to wake you up but you only turned a bit and opened your eyes for a split second to close them again”.

“Really? I thought I just heard you guys right now”.

“Nope. You were very quiet after that”.

“Thanks for watching after me and for the granola bar, let’s go before a teacher thinks we’re doing the nasty in here,” Ikarrus said with a laugh while Adriann laughed with a slight blush on his cheeks. They took pictures and videos of everything around them. When it was time to return they put the camera on a bank facing towards the bank across it along the wall encrusted with ancient floral designs. Aalex put a timer on it and the four of them ran towards the bank and took a normal picture and three crazy ones.

  The sun was setting and they returned to the bus and Ikarrus took one last glance and the sun as if she thanked something for such a beautiful day. Daniella sat next to Aalex and grinned at her looking at Adriann as if she were setting them up. Ikarrus laughed and sat beside him. He was looking out the window and she glared out the window then at Adriann. He looked at her and said, “I’m so glad I got to spend this day with you”. She blushed immediately and looked down. She felt a shock in her stomach and heat in her chest, was this love? She never saw anybody with these eyes or felt this. Adriann had always been so nice with her but she can’t be in a relationship if they were mutually interested in each other. “I’m sorry that was too sudden,” said Adriann with a sad face.

“No I don’t mind, that made me very happy, heh, I don’t even know why…”

“Okay, well can I ask you something that has intrigued me for a while and well if you aren’t comfortable answering it’s fine”.

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