1: hit with a bang

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                          ** (\ O u O /) **


If you thought school was the next day, then you'd be just as wrong as Adrien Agreste.

The blonde boy heard the ear jerking noise of his alarm going off at exactly 8:15 am, and lazily tried to find his clock while trying to get some shuteye.

The amount of effort going into this small task was, in the end, beneficial since his hand knocked the clock onto the floor, causing the noise to stop. Adrien sighed.

Today was the first day back at DuPont High, and the dawning of his first day of his graduating year. He was finally in grade 12. Man, had the years gone by so quickly. He can even recall being in grade 7 just yesterday.

But that was Adrien then, and this is Adrien now. He had to face the facts. He was a senior now.

Time to make this year great.

The blonde sat up in bed and shook his hair, groggily opening his emerald hues and stretching his toned arms.

This boy was quite the looker, or so according to the entire population of the school. He had everything a boy wanted, looks, money and his pretty girlfriend, Lillian Rossi, but everyone at school called her Lila.

Adrien's life was absolutely perfect. Everyone wanted to be him.

But for some reason, Adrien felt like something was going to be totally different this year. Like a shift in his life was bound to make its way to him.

He couldn't point it out, but he knew he would eventually.

Adrien struggled to get out of bed and dragged himself to his bathroom, where he turned the light on, turned on the shower, took off his boxers, hopped in and let the running water drizzle down his body.

After doing all of the shower business, (not forgetting to brush his hair and his teeth), he left the bathroom and put on a white tee with a vintage red flannel, navy jeans and his favourite orange vans.

He quickly swept his hair with a quick run of his fingers, looked in his mirror, satisfied with his look.

This was Adrien Agreste, Grade 12 Student at DuPont High, and Future Graduating student.

"This is my year to shine." He thought.

He grabbed his backpack, phone, headphones and walked out his bedroom door, a happy skip in his step as he slid down the railing of his staircase, only to see his bright eyed mother at the bottom of the staircase.

"Ready for your last first day of school, Adrien?" His mom rustled his hair and gave him a large smile, him returning the favour.

"Come on, Mom." He looks to his left and sees his mom left him a lunch and some money. "I was born ready for this." He takes the items and slides them into his bag, now taking his gaze to his mother.

Her bright green eyes look straight into his, patting his back. "Don't get too cocky, sweetheart, don't want to raise that ego too high for your own good."

Adrien rolls his eyes and gives a smirk. "What can I say?" He envelops her in a hug, his mom returning it. After they let go, he gives her a quick peck on the cheek before heading out onto the concrete- heading out onto his new path in life.

"I got it from the best."


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