8: blackmail and blue irises

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"It just doesn't make sense, Tikki." Marinette spoke, zipping up her backpack. "He's mean one time and the next thing I know he's treating me like some god? Isn't that fishy to you?"

The blue eyed teen closed her locker after selecting the books she needed for the morning, still perplexed after this mornings' endeavours. Not knowing what to think about it, she decided to call Tikki as soon as she got inside the school doors and out of Adrien's field of vision.

It was odd. It really was. She didn't even know why he felt so comfortable around her— and more importantly her with him. Even after yesterday. Even after the first day of school. It just seemed too unrealistic, but yet... it happened.

"Well, it could be worse." Her friends' high pitched voice talked through her phone. "He could have been a huge bully and made your life miserable."

She could feel her heart drop at the words Tikki just said. All that came to mind was one human and one human only.


Oh, how it made Marinette's blood boil. First day at school and she wants to ruin her life, all because her boyfriend wanted to be friendly with her.

And honestly, at least he's trying to make Marinette feel welcome at DuPont High unlike her royal stature. He even admitted his mistakes!

"Marinette?" Tikki asks, as Marinette comes back to reality and to the fact she had just been silent for a good 2 minutes.

"Sorry, just blanked." She apologizes, playing with her hair. "But speaking of bullies..."

It's before Marinette can finish speaking to her overseas best friend that the bully she was just thinking about slams her hand against the locker closest to her face, scaring the absolute crap out of her.

Their eyes meet, and it's like you could start a fire with the angry hazel hues that burned Marinette's irises. She was in for a beating. Or something. It was to be discovered shortly.

"Tikki, I'll call you back." Were the last words she said before she slipped her phone into her pocket and hung up on her.

She didn't want Tikki finding anything out yet. Not until she figured this out herself.

"So, I heard you were with Adrien this morning." Her words came out like poison— making Marinette paralyzed.

"And?" Is all Marinette says, crossing her arms. "What's it to you?"

Aurore and Mirelle glared at her along with Lila herself, the three of them getting into her space.

"Oh don't play innocent, new girl." The brunette flips her ponytail. "You know what I'm talking about—"

"He took me out for coffee." Marinette snaps, more than she should have. "And He gave me a well rounded apology. That's it. Now, if you'll excuse me—" She tries to turn her back on Lila— huge mistake.

Lila grabs her arm with a more aggressive grip, and stares Marinette down.

Oh Shit.

"Remember when I said that I would be nice to you for that one time and that one time only?" She hisses, like the real snake she is.

Marinette gulps. Hard. She can feel the fear coming through her eyes— just what Lila wants. She nods, But doesn't lose eye contact.

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