3: spilling the beans

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"No, maybe something like this." Marinette thought, scribbling out the bottom sketch of a mannequin with a pretty dress, her pencil tapping on her notebook paper.

Since Marinette was without a partner for the time being, she decided to sit at her desk and doodle for a little bit before she got started with anything. After all, it was a partner project and she believed that the book they chose should be one they both like. 

She was enjoying her time by herself, just sketching away on the paper, until a couple of girls came over to her, slamming their hands on her desk.

Startled,  Marinette looked up to see a blonde girl with blue eyes, and a girl with blue hair and brown eyes. They both scowled at her, looking very annoyed.

"Um... Can I help you?" Marinette asked, questioning the two ladies in front of her.

"If you think being Lila's partner is going to make you one of us, you have another thing coming." The blonde spoke, flipping her hair out of her face.

"What- I'm not trying to be anyone." The bluette countered, the slightest bit annoyed but mostly insulted.

"Whatever. Just know that if you want to be Lila's BFF, you have to go through us." The blonde spoke again, hands on her hips. "I'm Aurore Beaureal. And this is Mirelle Caquet. We're her bffs. So come between us, and your toast."

Marinette just sat there confused. "Alright? That's nice you guys are friends, but what if want to become friends with her?" She snapped, more than she really should have. Marinette totally just sparked a fight.

"What if you want to become friends?" Aurore roared. (See what I did there?) "We've been her best friends forever and don't think that your newbie attitude will just swoop in and-"

"Hey, let it go, 'Rorie."  Marinette heard a voice from right behind her, her face going a crimson. How embarrassing that they thought she couldn't defend herself, she could have have handled it just fine.

She looked up to see the face she really didn't want to see.

Adrien Agreste.

"She's just a new girl, cut her some slack." He said, patting her shoulder. His hands were warm against her blouse, and he smelt like fresh peppermint and... Was that rain water? Ugh. She loved the smell of rain water.

What was she thinking?

"I'll cut her some slack when she stops intruding our friendship." Aurore barked, flipping a piece of golden blonde hair.

"She's not intruding your friendship, 'Rorie. Let it go." Adrien half-snapped, Aurore's face lighting up with a little fear and a little anger. Marinette could tell that she had a super weakness for him, so she knew if she stepped down now, they wouldn't have anymore issues than the slight banter.

Aurore grabbed Mirelle and they walked by Marinette and Adrien, sashaying away leaving the two by themselves.

It was an awkward atmosphere before Adrien spoke.

"Ooh... I'm so sorry about your head." He cringes seeing her giant goose egg of a bruise, while she covers it with her hair.

"It's fine." She says, looking away.

Another awkward silence occurs and this time it's Marinette who speaks first.

"I had it under control." Marinette sighed, going back to her notebook. "You know, with those girls."

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