7: a latte of talking

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(Picture up top are their outfits for the day!!)

(Okay, enjoy the chapter!)

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"Adrien, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Lila half screams, placing a finger on his chest.

Adrien was taken aback. He had never seen her this angry before. Sure, there were times where they would disagree, but the two always kissed and made up. This time, he wasn't so sure that was the case.

On his left, Marinette stood there, waiting for her turn to get scolded. As much as she wanted to fight for Adrien, she also didn't want to deal with Lila after yesterday's bathroom breakdown.

It wasn't her cup of coffee.

"It was just for coffee. I promise." The blonde sputters, sipping what was left of his grande chai tea latte... that is, until Lila's rose red Laboutin Heel stomped on the ground in annoyance.

"And YOU!" She pointed at Marinette, her face redder than her shoes. "Stay the hell away from him, you boyfriend stealer!"

Marinette's blue eyes turned ice cold. "I am not a boyfriend stealer!" She spat. "He was just being nice!"

The blonde male stepped in front of Marinette, confidence beaming off of him. "Don't worry, Li. It was my idea."

"I won't talk to her anymore."


In a matter of those words being spoken, the blue haired teen jolted up in her bed, panting and sweating.

Thank god. It was just a bad dream.

Considering this was only Day 2 of the new school year, DuPont High had way too much drama to the point made her have nightmares. She could already see herself in 2 hours getting publicly humiliated again by Lila, and Adrien would follow her like a lost puppy.

God. When did puppies and snakes get along? Last time she checked, the snake poisoned the puppy and left it there to die.

"Marinette?" She almost jumped out of her bed hearing her mother knock on her trap door. "It's almost 7:30!" she knocks again. "Are you up?"

Her eyes shift to her alarm clock.


Sheets flew as Marinette leaped out of bed and to her closet, almost destroying her perfectly clean room. "I'm awake!" She yelled, hoping her mom heard before she came in with a water gun. It came to that point sometimes; Marinette was a deep sleeper.

After a long couple of minutes, she finally got herself dressed in a cute pink sweater (that she made herself, it was a prototype) a pale pink blouse to go underneath, a pair of super cute brown shorts (from the Agreste Summer Collection, she saved all her money for it) some leggings and cute combat boots to complete her look.

Throwing her books in her bag and opening her trap door to go downstairs, she managed to make it to the kitchen table without stumbling on anything. That was a first. She was a total klutz on a normal basis.

She placed her bag where she usually sat then ran to the bathroom, almost crashing into her father while heading there.

"Woah!" Her father said, almost dropping his newspaper. "What's got you in a rush, pumpkin? It's not even 8!"

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