Chapter 4: all about work

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Selena's Pov:
Yeah I know that Kimberly left Kirby here at my house to take care of him for the night, but two kids for the night, ugh this will be difficult to do this.
I said to Kirby, "what do you want to do cutie?"
Kirby said to me,"Poyo, food."
So I went to the kitchen to get a snack for the night for myself and Kirby like cookies and some chips.
As I put the snacks on the couch, someone ate all of the Oreos like a second, so I know who ate it, it was Kirby, I think.
So I ask him, "did you ate the Oreos, I mean cookies?"
Kirby nods to me, meaning yes.
I finally determine and said,"yes, finally I knew something from Kirby, thank you world."
I also add to my words to Kirby, "okay then, wanna play?"
So after we have a snack, we play catch a little while, so after we play, in my head I forgot all about Johnny, so I don't want to wake him up :( .
So I went to my room with Kirby to get ready for bed and after I brush my teeth, my brother was almost awake, as I look with Kirby.
My brother finally said to me, "um sis, why are you still awake?"
I replied to him, "I don't know, um guarding you, so you don't hurt."
My brother told me,"can I go to the bathroom now?"
I replied to him, "sure."
My brother looked at me and said,"um sis, what's behind your back?"
I replied to him and lied,"um nothing, it's just my tablet."
My brother just told me, "that's I want to know, good night sis."
I replied to him,"good night Johnny and see you tomorrow."
My brother just give a groan to me because I think I was telling a lie to him, and I just did XD.
I went finally in bed with Kirby, like sleeping a idol, it is always my dream, I hope Kimberly will be back in the morning to pick him up, and I said to myself, this is the most excited day of my life, I can't wait to tell Kimberly and I hope she won't be jealous about it.

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