Chapter 6: How did I met Meta knight

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Kimberly's pov:
I know it's kinda embarrassing of actually talking to meta, yep, yeah, I didn't tell Selena that I met him last night, it was incredible. Well meta knows that I met him, and he didn't meet Selena yet, well I could not tell yesterday, the only details that I did tell Selena is about the rockettes, that's all.
**Yesterday at 10pm**
After I got signed the autograph by Jenna Ortega, which is so cool, before half-hour before 10pm, my sister is going shopping without me, almost if she forgets me, yep, it is not either my sister's or my fault, it's nobody's fault, it just, before my sister even went shopping, we were walking and saw this looking "statue" looks like someone familiar, I was asked,"is this real?" My sister told me,"hmm looks real, but it's not sis, maybe someone left this for no reason,maybe it's wax, just like one museum Madame Tussauds, yeah I know meta knight, from is it super smash bros, or The Kirby series?"
I said,"meta knight is both in super smash bros and Kirby series, sis,and I don't know if this is real life or wax."
My sister Rachel told me,"are you sure that you're fine here looking at meta knight's face, right here?, you've might be scared and having fear."
I said to her back,"I'm totally fine, don't worry sis, it might be real, nobody knows."
Rachel told me back,"oh yeah, proof it, well okay, call me if something bad happens to you, okay?, love you, hopefully you'll be fine."
I said to her back,"I love you too Rachel."
Rachel kissed in my forehead, and she left, I walked around meta, and told myself, is meta knight real or just made out of wax, hmm, you know what, I think, if in case he's real, I'll touch him, but his wings, it's not even the right thing to do, so yeah. I'm kinda afraid to touch, I know the anime so well like Tiff, or they in the world called her Fumu, and even this looking weird snail, that I don't even remember his name, oh never mind, it's in my memory, his name is Escargoon, I think. When I still walking around he just stared at me, I was like hmm maybe it's a toy wax or again , real if he does something, I don't know, play?? What am I thinking,ugh. After thinking about meta knight stared at me, he said to me,"victory my destiny." I was kinda shocked,does meta knight is talking to me, or is it my dream. I said," am I dreaming?, am I dreaming?, ugh." *groans, and a little confused of meta knight*
Meta knight told me back,"you are not dreaming, I'm real okay?"
I was more shocked when he said that, I was said to my sister, yeah maybe, or I rather not,and I said to myself excited to him," I was right, you are really real, I can't wait to tell my Rachel about it, should I tell her or not, you want to know who she is, she is my sister., should I really tell her that you are real or not?"
Meta answered,"no please, you can't tell anybody that I'm real."
I said to him back,"why not?"
Meta answered," because of fans okay?,girls sometimes."
I said to him,"don't worry I'm trusting, but I will never tell anybody except Selena, she also trustworthy and right now, she is going to take care of Kirby for the night, this is why you came for?"
Meta knight still answered to me," exactly, I came here because of Kirby, is he alright?"
I said to him,"yes he is alright, I've told you, he's with my friend Selena for this night, you know, it's kinda like babysitting."
Meta knight said,"I understand."
After discussing about tomorrow, I told him that we are going to Central Park tomorrow, and pretend that I never met him before, then meta knight agrees, and we make a deal each other, but I'll not going to tell her that I met meta, that I saw him with my sis yesterday, maybe I'll tell her that he's made of wax, I'll totally see him tomorrow.
**so this is what happens during yesterday**

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