Prologue: The Perks of Being An INTROVERT Wallflower

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Note: What you are about to read is a list of things illustrating the perks of being a special kind of wallflower, specifically an introverted and high talented. You may immediately skip to chapter 1 if you are just willed to to read the story. However, I suggest you read the listed stuff to see if you can relate or not. Thank you :)

Disclaimer: The things listed below are stuff basically experienced by the real-life based person. Although some stuff may not be relatable to other introverted wallflowers, this is what the person basically feels and foresees. Please be considerate and don't condradict of you're not an introverted wallflower because all the facts listed below ARE REAL :)

52 Traits of an Introverted Wallflower

• I'm always outmatched by greater, extrovert people who dwarf my even greater ability deep inside.

• People always mistaken me for a person who doesn't know how to do anything.

• Despite of my silent and mysterious behavior, I'm actually an open and cheery person inside.

• Though I'm one of the so-called 'small and weak' people known to others, I have a secret strength inside me which I haven't let out yet.

• I am never a show-off, concealing my abilities and true talents.

• I am incredibly humble where most people realize I'm just one pathetic wise guy or should I say, a so-called physician.

• I never get to fly out of my windows and straightly meet new people because of my shy and introverted way of growing up.

• Some people despise me because of my so-called inabilities to do stuff but in fact, I can.

• Because of my cheery attitude, people mistaken me for a retard.

• I panic in the midst of public speaking or explaining of giant projects, thus thwarting my other ideas. Due to this, my irregular speaking is misunderstood and usually broken down to uglier ideas by the less-literate people.

• I concentrate and enjoy my time mostly being alone.

• I have one of the most complex imaginations, even if extrovert people contradict that they have a more vivid one, an introvert wallflower like me will always win without doubt.

• Due to this, an introvert wallflower like me has talents in art and creativity vastly equal to those who are extroverts. But due to my introvert personality, I still know I have more deep inside, I just can't let it out.

• I gain more strength when I'm alone.

• I am the type of person who will always smile, but still, they don't know I'm one of the saddest people who exist.

• With my sadness contradicted to those who are extroverts, its their drama which makes them look sadder, but still, introvert wallflowers like me hide the biggest stakes in our hearts.

• Though some extrovert wallflowers relate to me, I have one of the softest hearts, a heart even more fragile than a regular woman's heart.

• I am the person who refuses to talk about my problems, thus having battles with my emotions and problems secretly.

• I likely go easier on girls, thus resulting to me having more female friends than males.

• I am less likely to be awkwarded when I am with girls than with boys, maybe due to their gentle way of relating to each other.

• People always take advantage of my talent.

• People don't credit me of what I do, and usually even lie that they partake in the biggest plans I create.

• I look carefree of my life, but still I depress myself to sleep.

• I already have told you about the extreme nature of my imaginations, but there is a sub-category. I  imagine of deep fantasies like what girls imagine.

• I am completely different from other boys.

• I think I still have other talents hidden within, but even I haven't discovered them yet. YET.

• I am completely ignorant of the negative thoughts of people towards me.

• Though I'm like this, I am VERY observant of my surroundings. I easily see what's going on or what's missing, in fact, I know a lot of stuff other people don't know, like a witness who doesn't wanna speak out.

• When some people get to know me, they judge me harshly of my indifferent attitude, unaware that I hide secrets with this very fragile heart.

• Honestly, I am more fragile than a girl.

• I consider the more simple being of who I am. I am physically attractive, but still I lack features of becoming an ideal celebrity. Even if some perfer my other looks (as some people play with my style and see the other version of me), i still perfer the real me.

• I am a total whimp for catching and running sports. The only sport I'm good at is archery, where I don't have to catch or run or anything, just shoot and focus.

• I seek attention secretly.

• I don't really seek popularity, but usually, I still do.

• I love comparing myself with others secretly.

• I am despicably one of the most jealous people.

• I look naive, thus deceiving other people that I'm illiterate.

• I enjoy abstract discussions.

• I see things others don't.

• I've always been told to step out of the dark or come out of my shell, but in reality, I just go easy on myself, not do these stuff.

• I am one of the best liars.

• Due to this, I even lie about myself for being a very awful liar.

• I believe my fantasies will come true one day, impossible or not... And I don't care if it's childish or not. I believe in impossibility...

• I enjoy mysteries and puzzle-solving cases, meaning that I enjoy puzzle games and reading, not really onto the extrovert stuff.

• Basically, I'm misunderstood.

• My love life is one of the most complex parts of my existence. I have never had true love in my life...

• I am always deprived from love, always fanboying over stuff though I know I will never win a girl's heart.

• I have only fallen in love desperately with a human once, and this person is an extrovert who is never afraid and wants to get me out of my closet.

• I enjoy falling in love with characters that DON'T EXIST. And one more thing... I believe in infinity... Where I believe my infinity is always more infinite than other infinities... ∞

• I have no idea what my other traits are... I'm an introverted wallflower and I can't figure out all the perks of being one... Find out the others as you go along with my story...

• We, as in all undiscovered introverted wallflowers... Are the the most thwarted people of our kind... Regardless of our age, gender, and our asorted personalities and kind of introverted wallflower being we are...

• We aren't really anti-social people, but quite merely a 'selectively social' type because we still seek of sociability and love.     -with user 'silventescapade'


     There's the list :) If you have more things to list, just PM me or just leave a comment and if this thing agrees with the characteristics of an introverted wallflower, I'm gonna dedicate a chapter to you! :D

     Dedicated to silventescapade, a person sweet and loyal who discovered and inspired me to continue my story over the first second of me publishing the story... ;]

     Another thing, the name of this prologue was actually going to be the title for the story... ∞

     The explanation for the title of the story will come out at the story line, so stay updated guys! :D

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