Chapter 6

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The advantage of having a lot of people etched onto you is that your charisma strengthens with people starting to look up to you...

And there I stood, shoving my face away before a kiss was in conception. Looking at the girls by the distance, catching a glimpse of public affection, I sighed and bittered my thoughts on this situation. Everyone thinks I'm a playboy now, just lunging sexual affections in and out. I walked away and pretended someone was calling me.

"Hi mom? Oh yeah, I'll be home in just minutes. What? Okay." Creating a fake telecom with my mother, she tilted her head.

"I have to go now, Sab." Fixing myself as she came closer.

"Ohhh, you mama's boy. Come here and let's finish this off." Falling for my direction, I pretended not to hear and scooped away from another smooch.

"Uhhh, I need to buy something for my mom. Gotta go! Um, I need to go. Uh, yeah." In that second, I made a loft smile and left her perimeters. Thank goodness.

By the distance, her voice echoes "Bye bye baby." I felt uncomfortable at the same time, a bit special. The sky was getting darker each step I made, and leaving school girls were at the corners, at the brink if staring at me for being with such a weird person like Sabrina. Like, the thought of why I chose her when I had a chance with other better and lovable girls. I just faded the thought. Street lamps started powering on amidst the light fog rolling in tonight. It turned my atmosphere into a tension of regrets and conflict with my thoughts.

I stopped by Tina's Bakery just around the corner from the campus, and I always loved their warm, freshly-served loaves of bread. You could just smell it lining off the street, giving a sensation of heat and home. When I'd usually stop to grab some, I was in a state of depression and its warmness killed off the sensation for some time, most likely now. Entering the bakery, I indulged in the smell, waiting in an average line to the counter. I could get used to a smell like this.

The bakery had thousands of customers per day, not just because of its exquisite recipe, but the heat of such homely surprise. I heard they were renaming the bakery as a café 2 months later, they had spectacular coffee and sweet treats as well. It was my turn in line to grab 2 loaves, one for me to eat going home and another for the family. I also bought a cinnamon roll for us to dig in, especially for the coming weather tonight. I handed the cash and walked off with a feeling of refreshment.

Outside, light drizzle was filling up the path. Leaves blow quietly while I walked off to haul a cab. Just a second later, I called one. That was quick.

"Woodstake Drive please sir." I let out a big smile upon slamming the door.

"Umm, son, can you check the door again?" He requests, seeing that I haven't shut the door completely.

"Oh, sorry sir." I whimpered next.

"There we go!" Then we drove off while I laid myself by the windows, looking at the town darken with the tears of the sky plentying up. The sky was orange as always at dusk, where the city got it's name from the first place. Orange Coast city maybe small from the rest of the others, but this city-slash-state was independent where it lay at the western edge of US. We were just a little, independent town.

By the time I reached home, I alarmed the taxi and payed my fare, leaving as to going out with the drizzle kissing my face, and my polo. The lawn sparkled these little droplets from the light inside. As soon as I walked the porch, the garden lamps switched on from self-timer and welcomed my spirit home. And I was home.

As always, mom was in the kitchen cooking stuff for dinner. I offered her the cinnamon roll and the loaf as she sat down to wait the beef sauté.

"Where's your brother?" I completely forgot about him. He was at the school's auditorium watching some kind of orientation for succeeding years. Good thing he didn't see the craze about my so-called mutual respect for Sab.

"I think the orientation played on through the time, I think." She nods and tells me to get changed now.

"Don't forget to see your father too." She adds.

"I won't!" I tread upstairs and eased my way to their room. "Hi dad!"

"Hey my little Nigie!" He gives me a bear-hug upon coming close to him. We had the usual talk of how was school then yeah, I left.

I always enjoyed the company of dad. Though I know he may just be my stepdad, but yeah. I still lived him because he kept his promise now and then. I never even saw my biological dad, even when I came out of mom. It may hurt so much, but yeah. Can't do much really.

Turning the knob of my room, I let myself in and threw my crooked body on the bed.

"Oh yeahhh..." I rolled around in final seek of softness. Now I'm talking. So relaxed and watching the rain strengthen itself. I hope my brother has already taken a cab home.

Now, I felt so laid. That I put my hands... You know where. This was awkward. But it felt good. This is one thing that feels WROUBF when you accomplish, but then you can't help it because it was in your genes. It was just in my nature and yeah, it feels good. But I hated when I had to clean my mess up. Yeah, awkward moment over.

After getting dressed, I went down and decided to take a sip of hot chocolate with a side of loaf and cinnamon rolls. I catch a glimpse of my brother coming home, half-wet and panting from runs and wet chases.

"Oh hello, ass." I mentioned. "Uy, you ass." Lance says in a come back.

I went straight for the kitchen and made the hot coco. Great time to cuddle in the sheets and sip some warmness. The rain kept us feeling home and cozy. Upon sitting in to watch with some television, here comes my brother shirtless and bragging about his abs.

"Oh yeah, check me out!" Weirdo. He sucks.

"Ew..." I turned around feeling disgusted about that. He's so bossy. My body is even more defined and built than his, and he proudly shows that off. Ha! Whatever. Later he goes back up to get changed, just coming here to show off. Yeah. Loser.

The television was playing a scene from some kind of movie. I didn't know the title, but. It really touched my heart to see the two being together. Just, being free and... Loving together. Like true souls joined and never left. It was sad for me to think that I was such a lone freight. I'm afraid to love because I'm afraid to get hurt. I was scared that I would lose everything and sear for her leaving me. I'm scared to be rejected.

The footsteps of dad hear to come down the staircase while I switch the channel to a mainstream one. Cartoon Network.

He walks by and greets me. "Hey son!"

"Hey dad!" When he left for the kitchen, I hurriedly finish my snack and went up to my room. I threw myself on bed as the rain softens its natural tone for me.

It was just all in my head, wording majority of a play circling my inner sanctuary. My thoughts.

Memories come back, wondering why I didn't hold her back. She was at the brink of my hand, but left like the shearing sand. Watching her leave my love to sigh, but even I was too late to say goodbye..

.. Because now my forever took forever to die..

And now I sit alone just to catch her and try.

But she was away and off to fly.

Smiling had me nothing but to keep me lie...

My phone vibrated on the desk, it was a message from Sidney needing help!

In a matter if seconds, my phone resonates louder with a call from Sabrina...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2014 ⏰

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