Chapter 3

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     My starstruck mind goes taking to me, I was aware that it was just the subconscious that was inside me. I only saw the moon, and it was whispering the words of love to me. I was supposed to be waking myself up, but the boy who decided to stare at the moon did nothing. Soon after, I was drowning. Drowning with senseless noise that took my audibility. They were screaming and I knew soon I would vanquish.

     The translucent gray atmosphere I saw was dead. Like any other fantasy, I awaited to open my eyes to see Sidney gazing at my eyes. In soft disappointment, I opened my eyes to lock my gaze into Peter, the "perfect" boy who stood up in class, every girl's dream. I felt different in his arms. It was warm, and I felt so safe and so, nice. Peter was one of the people whom I looked up to, somehow I idolized him.

     I realized that my head started to feel numb, I closed my eyes and bent my head. Peter compressed it gently and told me not to press it hardly.

     "Robin, it's okay. You'll be alright." I gave him a warm smile and nodded as I left. That made me feel special. There's actually life on this planet.

     I walked towards the crooked aisle of chairs, looking at everyone dazed and worried about what happened. Wait, what happened?

     Here comes Stella and Jasper running towards me.

     "Oh my God Robin are you okay?" Both murmur in unison.

     "Yea, I'm fine. But this is gonna leave a mark. What happened anyways?" My lips move dryly.

     "... The loose fan dropped on your head." Jasper relayed. He bent over and kissed my head, like he always did when people felt down or where hurt. I admired his personality for putting his friends first before he does. He's really worthy to be a guy a woman wants.

     ... But he lacked confidence. That's why I pity him. He's such an ideal man, but there was something great missing from him.

     I walked away and gave this jaw-ripping smile which they always laughed at. Others still were worried about me, but my epic face let them calm down and smile back. I walked past them while I nodded to tell them that I was alright. I favored to get out the school to get some fresh air to relieve the mind-crasher, since there wasn't any teacher to supervise our class. But it wasn't allowed to do so. It was simply illegal in our campus.

     I briefly encounter Sabrina, crossing her arms while she gave me that jealous face of hers.

     "Why? Jealous of me cuddled and kept safe by Peter?" I laugh horribly. She ranted and hit me thrice to prove it. Well, you can't help it when a woman bears jealousy of a man who was with a man.

     "He's mine!" She laughably exclaims.

     "No. HE'S MINE." I shouted hilariously in comeback, well not in a literal sense. She pouted and turned around.

     "Someday, he will be mine!" I heard her voice echo throughout the study hall. A brief round of laughter ensues shortly after that.

     I walked slowly across the hallway, thinking of just what happened and slipping my thought about Peter. Well, he was just, oh men.

     I was walking around the empty hallways, still thinking more of fantasy and senseless thing. Here comes the "what if?" side of me. My mind spoke, thinking on what would happen if I was in Sidney's arms, giving me a careful stare whilst urging to kiss me. It would be lustrous pleasure, yeah never mind. It's just another sick fantasy of mine.

     How 'bout that guy Peter? Well. I have this loft feeling towards him now, I just can't relay it well.

     What happens now next, this life is so plain. And flat. And so boring. Why wouldn't there --

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