A failure.

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AN: these stories are getting really popular with you guys! I'm so happy about that! You guys seem to like Wally's character and laughing at Robins expense! So I'm now adding Wally's character into pretty much all of my future chapters for this book! There will be language, as always. Have fun guys!

Wally's POV:

This is not how i wanted to spend my afternoon. Not at all.

But, of course rob insisted on helping Bats out for once.

As per fucking usual I'm always the first person he comes to for help.

Well, I'm his best friend, and also the only person who knows about his back story...and that he's robin, except for bats obviously.

So I'm the guy to go to apparently.

Rob wanted to apologise for everything.

Because we've done alot of stuff.

Bad stuff.

But anyway, I'm stuck here in the manor helping clean while Alfred lounges in the living room.

Apparently we're also apologising to Alfred.

So we gave him the day off.

Rob was so desperate to do something nice that he resorted to cleaning the WHOLE FUCKING MANOR.

Who agrees to do something like that?!

This place is MASSIVE!


You walk down the wrong corridor and they have to send a freaking search party after you, and it takes a week to find you, and when they do you've resorted to drinking your own piss! ( AN:Does anyone get that joke? If so, tell me in the comments!)

Ok, ok.

Maybe I'm over reacting just a bit.

But you get the point.

So I decided to do something to get myself out of this cleaning scenario.

I was going to drink my own piss.

I mean get lost.

That's what I mean.

I'm not going g to drink my own urine thanks.

Robins POV:

I know I volunteered to do this,

But man does Alfred have a hard job!

How does he survive?

I'm a teen, and he's an old man!

If I'm tired after doing only the first floor, how does he do four?! (AN: I guessed how many floors there are...Gommen'nasai!)

Wally's zoned out.


Guess it's up to me now!

I turn around to get the duster to dust the ordainment on the mantle piece.

When I turn back around...

Wally's gone.

Bruce's POV:

Where are Dick and Wally?

Alfred text me that Richard invited his devil friend to come and help clean up.

Lime hell I believe that. (AN: I just realised that I typed 'Lime hell' not 'Like hell' which is hilarious! Who knew that the dark knight was scared of Limes? Illuminate confirmed!)

Wally's just a distraction to Robin.

He needs to start training more.

He's slacking when he's with Kid Flash.

And when I get my hands on that good for nothing Speedster,

He better hope that he keeps all of his teeth.

Wally's POV:

I'm such a failure.

Robins POV:





Bruce's POV:

I stormed into the living room ready to whoop Wally's ass.

"Alfred! Wheres Wally?!"

"Hello master Bruce. I believe Master Wallace is with Master Richard."

I growled.

Not for long.

I march into Richards room where is see something that...

Isn't humanly possible.

Wally's POV:

I'm stuck.

Robins POV:

He's totally stuck.

Wally's POV:


Robins POV:


Here's Bruce.

This looks so weird.

Wally tried to run and hide.

Well done him.

Bruce's POV:

Wallys stuck behind the dresser.

It's a huge oak one.

It's suffocating him.

How did he even get behind there in the first place?!



"What are you doing?"

"Trying to hide from you, Alfred, Dick, and pretty much the world."

"Ok...I'm going to leave you to that...see how that works out for you when you suffocated behind a dresser..."

I walked out and closed the door slowly.

Robins POV:

Im literally dying laughing.

"DUDE! You even scared BRUCE! HOLY SHIT!

Wally's POV:

*Deep and disappointed sigh*

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