"...Ok, yeah, that was impressive."

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*A/N: sorry I haven't been around much. I've got exams this week and next and procrastination has been royal pain in the ass for me. I've been cramming in all my extra time, so sorry about the lack of activity. I'll stop talking now, shall I, and let you you read this random shit?

Here's some BirdFlash fluff, just for the hell of it.*

"Ok... TRUTH!"

The five teens sat together in the living room, static blaring behind them as they plotted devious truths and dares between them...

"Alright then, Green Cheeks; what's your favourite Earth animal?"

M'gann's brow furrowed in concentration for a few seconds, before she blerted out "Tigers!" And everyone stared at her.

"But...why?" Connor asked in a tone that sounded more bored than he looked (which was really saying something).

"Well...they look adorable and have those amazing stripes! Nothing on Mars is like that, so they're really interesting to me!" She blushed slightly at how silly she sounded.

Slightly disappointed at the simple answer, Connor went back to watching static (but not before wrapping his arms around his girlfriend with a huff).

Wally looked vaguely miffed at the sign of open affection (not yet aware of the relationship), and ploughed on with the game.

"Alright, Boy Wonder, truth or dare!"

"Oh God...ok, fine, dare."

"Prepare to DIE!" Wally began cackling maniacally, already planning elaborate schemes in his mind on how to torture his crus- FRIEND. He meant friend.

Fighting a blush with all the self control he had left after five red bulls, the speedster thought upon the perfect dare...

"Do the most impressive thing you can think of, and if we're not impressed, do something else until we are!"

Dick sighed heavily, falling backwards in defeat. "Godammit Wally. When you it's youe turn next I'm going to make you vibrate your molecules so hard you pass out."

Wally laughed a bit too hard at that, disguising his embarrassment at staring at the now exposed bit of skin peeking out underneath Dick's hoodie for longer than he probably should have.

Standing up, Dick analysed his surroundings. All his thoughts went to acrobatics, so to the gym it was!

"You can all thank Wally for this; 'cause we're all going to the gym, folks."

Connor hugged M'gann tighter at the thought of moving, but she was already sliding out from underneath his grip and floating to follow the rest of the group, who were already leaving. Huffing again, Connor followed suit.

Artemis punched Wally in the shoulder on the way, and whispered into his ear, "You know, it's a good thing he's oblivious, otherwise that would have been super awkward for everyone who didn't notice you oggling him." And walked infront of him, smirking to herself.

Wally wanted to die right on the spot. Better yet, to disappear altogether.

He rubbed his palms over his eyes and willed his heart to stop racing. It's fine that she knows... it's not like you really try to hide it all that much anyway... it's just a stupid kids game, you can handle just watching some gymnastics... Don't be obvious, West!

Now even more freaked out, and quickly realising that they had arrived at the gym, Wally's nerves reached boiling point.

What the hell are you so damn nervous about?! You asked for this, he's just competing the fucking dare! Don't make this weird for him, you're his best friend-

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