When He Arrives

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*hey! The support on the last few chapters has been amazing, so thank you all for reading and commenting!

Special thanks to CourtNicxYJ_Robin for their suggestion of another angsty chapter! What you said was super sweet, and your works are awesome! Go check them out!

This chapter took way longer than expected, I kept rewriting parts and I just couldn't get the right. Excuse some parts which may seemed rushed, I tried to get this done as fast as possible for you guys :3

Enjoy...Or not. Poor Robin 😟*

The roof was going to collapse, if the creaking of the metal beams above him was anything to go by. Tongues of flame licked at the wooden supports, leaving the structure compromised and shaky. Any minute now, and he'd be buried under the ceiling with no escape.

Another blast made his ears buzz, making the building sway ominously, threatening to fall upon him in what would certainly end in his death.

He gritted his teeth as panic began to bloom in his chest, making his hands shake and his mind reel. He didn't have long, but his goddamn leg was trapped under one of the steel beams that had been knocked loose by the initial explosion. The gap in the roof above him gave him a wonderful view of the stars, but the sight was bitter sweet, as he knew it could be the last thing he ever saw.

This wasn't very new to him, kidnappings, burning buildings, explosions, all part of the job. But by this time Batman had normally shown up.

As much as he wanted to believe in his mentor, he couldn't help but curse sods law as he desperately tried to yank his leg free from the metal crushing it.

He couldn't stop the whimper of pain that escaped his lips as a sharp piece of the beam cut into his leg. He could feel the sticky warmness of blood dripping from the wound as he continued to try and get some leverage on his trapped limb.

The metal just dug in harder, drawing more blood and getting wedged further in his flesh. It was useless.

Thinking that these might be his final moments, Robin reflected in how he ended up there in the first place.

-------12 hours earlier-------

It was a normal night, a good patrol and nice and quiet on the streets. Both hero's were in a good mood.

But, like all good things, the patrol has to go south at some point.

Alfred had called in about an anonymous tip about human trafficking near the docks (why was it always at the fucking docks).

They were now on a stake out, hiding in the shadows effortlessly as they concealed their presence and watched upon the criminals as they manhandled women into storage crates, all of which had been beaten at some point and gagged with rope.

They all looked terrified, poor things. Although Batman had trained himself not to show any emotional attachment to people he helped, Robin had never been able to cut himself off and ignore those pleading looks of despair from the victims they always swooped down to save.

Silently, they each took their places on either side of the docks, waiting for the opening which would signal their coordinated attack.

Robin crouched in the shadows on top of a stack of storage crates, waiting for his mentors signal. It would never come.

The thugs had been tipped off as well, and they knew they had company. Before he could react, a bag had been thrown over his head and pulled taught around his neck, pulling him backwards off the crates with a crash. He struggled as much as he could, not wanting to go down without a decent fight first. But he was fighting blind and there were many men, each holding him down and throwing punches of their own.

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