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                    In a Dark Deep Part of the Brokiut Valley, a group of aimless souls walks among a trail. It is silent..just the sound of the wind, and leaf's crumbling beneath the groups feet. it's mid fall, and its been a long day on the Brokiut Valley's, South Mountain, National Park. "STOP!" Nick shouts, The Group all paused in panic grasping there weapons, blankly staring at Nick. "There's someone on the trail, up there by the bend" Nick Exclaimed. "Y-You think its one of them" Violet whispered to Nick Nervously. "I'm not sure, you guys stay and Carl will check it out" Nick called out to the group. "Carl, don't you shoot this one until we're sure. ok..?" Said Nick looking at Carl Angrily. Carl Shrugs, Sighing. "lets just get this over with" -Carl.                                                                                                                          Carl and Nick start walking over to the mysterious person, just a figure of shadows in the dark woods at night. Suddenly the shadowy figure vanishes, Nick looking around scanning the surrounding brush. Both Nick and Carl standing  right where it had been. "Where'd it go..?" -Nick. "Shhh..don't let it know we're here"-Carl. "What if it already does..? then what.."-Nick on one knee aiming his old colt revolver around."BANG" They are shocked in panic as gunshots ring through out the forest. The Flashes of guns light up the group, Nick and Carl had left behind. "Come on!!" -Nick says panicking, Running back down the trail. Carl Pulls him back by his Hiking Bag. "we can shoot those things from here!" -Carl Exclaims to Nick. Screams are starting to join the sound of gunfire. Violet starting to run up the trail, being followed by the vicious creatures. "Come on you can make it!"-Carl "Come on Nick pick up that gun, we gotta kill those things before she runs them to us..Hurry now"-Carl says with a bit of worry in his voice.                                                                                                                                                                                          Loud Bangs Come from Nicks pistol, Followed with the click of the old colts hammer. Carl Firing his 12 gauge loaded with his home-made Shells ripping the Creatures Feeble Bodies apart. Violet Turning around as she reaches them, Firing her AKM in panic at the creatures. The Creatures not stopping until their Dead and full of holes. The Trail of Creatures following Violet ceases. Violet Breathing Heavily "Nooooo!!" She Screams..the group being swallowed by a swarm of vicious blood thirsty creatures. Creatures Dead at Light, Alive at Night. Nick starts shooting at them standing up and firing, only killing one or two. Tears Stinging in the cuts on his face.."Stop Come on! Lets Go! there's no saving them now!" -Carl Yells grabbing Nick around the waist in attempt to pull him away. "My Mom!! No!!"-Nick Cries, His gun clicking after he has fired all 6 rounds.                                                                                              Carl Pulls both Violet and Nick away, Nick Giving up and running down the trail trying to keep up with Carl and Violet. They eventually reach a small opening in the forest, the light of day starting to peak through the trees. All panting they sit down on the forest floor. "Do you think we lost em' "-Violet "I'm not sure, just keep your eyes peeled. Until Sunrise"-Carl. Nick looking at the ground, tears running down his cheeks. Violet rubs his shoulder. "hey its going to be alright kid, there's nothing we could of done. we didn't even see them coming..we we ca-" Nick interrupts her. " No shes Gone! and its all my fault..i was taking point could i have let this happen. she was the only family i had left. My Father, Daniel, Brooke..and now Her!"-Nick. "its okay alright..everything is going to be okay. w-" Carl Interrupting Violet, and with a sense of pride. "Suck it up Kid!, we've all lost someone. you just worry about you. Shes gone now, which means no one else is going to pamper to you anymore." Carl starting to walk away, as the sun rises over the tree limbs. "i'm going to look for some fire wood, try and get something ready to eat"                                                                                                                                         Violet Scoots over sitting closely beside Nick. "don't worry about him, his best friend was taken with your mom just now..i think things may be harder now, hopefully we can make it out of here before noon today."-Violet says calmly. "I have some beans and a small piece of steak we can cook"-Violet. "Come on help me" Nick looks at her in a worried state. "Just don't think about it alright, come on before the old man comes back, bigger brothers are exposed to show a lil tough love sometimes"-Violet "okay, i have some coffee beans from the time we looted that abandoned Office building"-Nick says with a slight grin on his face "remember they fell and hit my mom on the head when she opened the cabinet"-Nick. "Yeah she always made that joke when you would make coffee, Better watch your head with those."-Violet said laughing, as she started to open the beans.                                                                                  Carl Comes back with a bundle of sticks, big and small. Then drops them in front of Nick and Violet. "okay now let me just find my lighter"-Carl....

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