Chapter 3: Bridge; Error.

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                                        The Group is Walking on the street and towards the bridge, Their back-packs overflowing with all types of goods. Ammo, Food, Water, and anything you'd need. As they approach the massive steel wired bridge they can hear it creaking from the wind with all the silence you can hear a lot more of the sound we never can with the cars and tram ways in the city. The bridge seems to have a lot of broken down cars some burnt some just wrecked. People panicked to get across as they were pulled straight out of their wind shields by the day sleepers. Day Walkers trapping them in the police almost powerless they too running and being slaughtered by these living nightmares. 

        Walking down the bridge they start to see some bodies here and there, mostly ripped apart or just a pile of mush and dried up blood. The day sleeper seem to only kill not eat, that's almost all they seem to do is kill kill kill, but never do they do it for any purpose except to kill. The Day Walkers sometimes cleaning up the mess growing bigger and fatter after eating crowds of people. Some of them were the size of dogs but now are behemoths Abominations as big as houses or bigger with some even resorting to eating buildings after the people had all hidden or already been eaten, eventually consuming cities growing as big as mountains. Violet spots a little girl standing on the bridge. The group pause looking as closely as they can, Carl of course aiming his weapon at her. "Should we shoot"-Carl. "Christ"-Colton. "Its just a girl for fucks sake"-Emma says walking past all of them and to the little girl. 

            She gets to the little to see that its just a big doll, but as soon as she thinks this a shot pierces her chest. Emma is shocked and can not hear anything but ringing as she falls to the ground. The group all takes cover behind the cars after hearing the loud weapons shot ripping through the silent air. "Emma!"-Carl yells calling Emma in hopes she'll answer back. "Emma!"-He sighs "Anyone see where that fucking shot came from..??!?". They start looking around their heads just barely peaking over the car and looking through the windows. "The Lighthouse..?"-Nick. "Too far, i think maybe that windmill or one of those buildings on the other side"-Colton. "Shut the hell up and keep your head down!"-Carl Yells at them. "Okay look we got to find a way to the maintenance platforms under the bridge any ideas..?!"-Carl. The group looks at him confused and dazed scared for their lives. Violet hiding behind a concrete barricade away from the rest of the group as she always tries to be. 

                 Violet stands for a second firing a small barrage of rounds into the city buildings across the bridge. She then quickly takes cover as a bullet seems to pass right over head a hair falling from her head as the bullet crashes into the car behind her. The bullet leaving a huge hole, enough to see the road on the other side of the car. Violet notices a bang every time the bullet lands as if it exploded after penetrating something. Carl starts to move around the car and behind others sneaking through trying to get a better few of this marksmen. The Shooter starts to fire rounds at several cars as a band of what looks like scavengers or bandits starts to head near them. Carl fires at them and they take cover quickly hiding behind some old wrecks at the other side of the bridge. A loud bang pops through the air again going straight through the car Carl is hiding behind a explosion afterwards throws bullet fragments into his side and arm. He stands for a second and fire again almost rapidly and ducks behind cover trying to slide over to another car. The shooters shots following after him blasting holes through several of the cars. Carl crouching behind a old red pick-up almost surprised it still has color, with most everything so bland in the waste land. Violet then starts to look around and sees a sign that reads "Maintenance Entrance: Do Not Enter! ". The Fiends start to open up gunshots ringing out all over the place. Silence is now dead its almost like a war zone the group of poor survivors only firing one or two shots per every 60 shots. Sounds of cars being dinged with bullets and glass shards of car windows falling on their backs. Violet gets up and runs towards the sign, some one sees her firing shots at her. Then following her to the side of the bridge, Violet fires one swift shot hitting him right between the eyes. Blood and flesh explode into a cloud behind him as he falls down dropping his rifle.

               She begins beating on the lock of the maintenance hatch trying to bust it open with her Kalashnikov. Colton runs over and comes up behind her he moves her to side a bit and shoots the lock it shattering into pieces. "come on! Over here!"-Colton yells for the other, as he starts to shoot back at the bandits Nick runs over as Colton and Violet climb the ladder down onto the maintenance platforms being suspended with small steel wires a clear few of the bay and a lot of rocks below. Nick starts to climb down reaching for the maintenance hatch to close it, but a larger shot rings over the others. Nick falls off of the ladder the hatch slamming behind him sunlight seeping in through the large hole in the steal door. Violet runs to him to see his hand blew off "We have to do something!". Colton standing over him "Shit Carl has all of the medical supplies. figure something out i'm going to find a way to get his back and hopefully him down here"-Colton says walking towards a maintenance hatch on the far side of the bridge. The shot have slowed but Carl's rifle can still be heard after each silence along with the bang of the marksmen's strange but powerful weapon. Violet looks around then pulls her shirt off. Nick watching in pure shock is seemingly calmed by this staring at her boobs as they bounce while she struggles to get the shirt off. "i never find shirts in my size, if you weren't bleeding i would never sacrifice a shirt like this"-Violet. Nick then shrieking in pain after Violet's comment he looks at the blood. Violet quickly rips a long strip out of it. She begins to tie it as tight as she can hopefully stopping the bleeding or at least slowing it. "V-Violet"-Nick choking on his words. "How b-bad...uuggh. is it..?". "It's better than it looks"-Violet says but then thinks. "I think" "When Carl gets back he will make it better"-Violet hugs him holding his other hand. "It'll be okay, i'm not losing you, i can't"-Tears dropping on to Nicks head. Nick then grabs her hand tighter hugging her arms with his other arm. "i-i*cough* i'm strong..i can make it. it*Cough* it's just a hand"-He says struggling hard to speak or think in his state of shock. Violet hugs him tighter burring her face into his hair crying. 

         Colton lifts the Maintenance hatch, he is behind them now and he is unsure whether the marksmen has spotted him yet. If only he could find him and use that on these fiends they wouldn't last long with that sorta fire power. Then just as he thinks this the marksmen fires and this time he catches the flash in a torn down part of brick apartment building near the top floor. He feigns at the sight as if he actually is impressed at his accomplishment but knows the seriousness of the situation and runs for the shooter. He breaks down the door to the building and starts running up the stairs. He slams open a door "Gotcha now fucker!" he looks confused he isn't here. "huh..where are you hiding! you killed my friend!"-Colton screams in search of response. Colton pause his eyes popping out of his head and drops of sweat poor from his face as he feels cold steel on the back of his skull, followed by the slow click of a hammer being cocked.

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