Chapter 2: The Day Walker

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                            The Group wakes up, Colton already up and walking around looking through the windows examining the bridge from the gas house. Violet wakes up and walks over to Colton "Morning, beautiful"-Colton says smirking, everyone else is already outside and getting ready for the walk across the long bridge. Violet looks through her bag and makes sure she has everything, Colton watching closely. Colton and Violet leave the Gas house together. Now the group heads to the bridge, it towering in the distance the sunrise starting to rise over the tall buildings. As they approach the bridge, they spot something rather curious. "A Day Walker!"-Emma Shouts. The day walker turns its head to the sound, its tall muscular body towering 10 ft. over them. 

                  The Creature towers over them letting out a roar that echoed for my miles

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                  The Creature towers over them letting out a roar that echoed for my miles. The day walker starts to creep towards them one ground shaking stomp at a time. "Come on we can hide in the ally way!"-Nick. They all run into the ally way the day walker clawing through the buildings, slowly digging through the old brick apartments. "We have to get out of here!"-Emma. Colton and Nick start kicking a door. "Stand Back"-Colton says with confidence, as he runs towards the door, hitting it with full force ramming it with his shoulder. Colton holds his shoulder the door not budging a inch from the impact. Carl Pushes Colton out of the way. "let me show you how a man does it"-Carl says as he kicks the door down awaking a pact of day sleepers(the regular night time zombies c;). The pact starts to get up there bones cracking to life. The Day walker tearing the buildings apart its powerful swings throwing bricks and rubble towards them. "Its one way or the other! lets go!"-Carl yells running into the pact of day sleepers, Firing shots into their head. The group following and shooting the rest. The Day Sleepers not as lively or fast until nightfall. The moon tending to have a strong effect on them and this effect being tripled in a full moon. Even the big day walkers  becoming stronger and faster. The sun has no effect on the day walkers, they seem to be the same at night and in the day.

                Carl runs up some stair signalling the group to follow him. a day sleep grabs his ankle and he falls up the stairs. "its got me!"-Carl yells. Nick shoots the pesky ankle grabber in the head and helps Carl up. the group continuing up to the roof top. Carl takes the group through the rooftop the day walker now completely tearing down the buildings around the ally way. The day walker roars, but then lays down in the rubble dosing off to sleep. "i think its over.."-Violet says panting. They look over the edge of the rooftop over looking the bridge. "its still up, maybe Gods on our side today"-Colton. "Hah yeah maybe"-Carl. "hey over here we can get back to the street through here."-Nick calls out to the group. They head down the stairs. Violet stops spotting a door with paintings on it, she can't tell whether they are satanic or just a kids scribbling maybe its more artistic in some way. She heads to the door hearing the rest of the group creaking foot steps grow silent as they head down the steps. She turns around scared that she may get left behind, but her knowing Colton would never let such a 'Beautiful' girl get lost. She tries the door handle it turning slowly, she begins to push it open just peeping through the crack. Inside the door way she spots some curious things inside. She opens it all the way and runs in. "Hello, is anyone here..?"-Violet whispers out to seemingly no one. She walks in a bit further the room filled with color, paint everywhere. The Galaxy on the ceiling and the sky on the walls. Countless paint buckets laying on the floor. "Beautiful.."-Violet says with a reminding her of the small galaxy pictures she had hanging on her walls.

                           Violet starts to pick up a awful odor, she follows it to a room. The door has blood on it but it was smeared into words. They are hard to read but its clear someone tried to write 'stay out !' but it had dripped down making it more like a big mess. She walks closer to the door only for the odor to grow stronger. She opens the door to for a stronger odor to poor out of the room a dead body on the floor. She almost pukes her eyes burning at the smell and sight of the dead body. She holds her arm over her nose and walks in putting a blanket near by over the body. Then she notices a letter on the desk in the room. She looks at the body and a shot gun is laying on the floor, the bodies head is blown out peaces of brain and other bodily fluids on the ceiling. Opening the letter the paper almost crumbling up. 

The letter saying: If you find me here and you're alive. Then i am sorry but it looked like you'd never come back. It's been months and i simply couldn't live without you here with me i left the food where we always keep it, same with the ammo and everything i put my bag there too. I love you Sarah i am sorry you had to see this. it shou-  i've painted the stars and the sky in the room, so you could know how beautiful you were to me, i hope you like it..maybe if were both ghost now we can lay together and look at them like we always did on the roof at night ; The letter stopped but had more at the bottom, Violet in tears reading this.. "I should tell the rest about the supplies i guess"-She Thought

            Violet walks back out of the room and turns the corner for Colton to be standing in the way. "Fuck don't scare me like that!"-Violet. "Don't scare me like that!"-Carl pushing Colton out of the way. "you know you can't just wonder off like that Violet, what if there were more in here or even worse..Never mind just don't do that come on lets get back to the others". "Wait there food and ammo in here, it said on the letter in there"-Violet still standing at the corner. They look through the room to see a kitchen, cabinets full of food and some ammo. Carl goes to the window and signals the group to come up. "What is it..?"-Nick exclaims. Carl shows them the food and their faces light up excited they start rummaging through the cabinets collecting whatever they can find. Violet watches in worry, maybe this Sarah lady will come back..what if she comes back and has nothing to eat after seeing that i'm not sure she'd want to eat. 

              "Wait guys"-Violet calls out to them all "what if this is for someone else, we'd be thieves to steal someone else's stuff". "Oh shut up and help us get some of this, fill your bag come one. We'll need it"-Nick. Violet pauses for a bit and slowly grabs a few cans of food corn, beans, and actual spam. Carl grabs her shoulder "Whats got you worried sis, it looks like this stuff has been here for a long time, maybe a year or two. If someone cared about this stuff they wouldn't leave it all unguarded like this". Violet turns around facing Carl. "This stuff is for Sarah"-Violet. "Sarah..?"-Carl looking at her confused "Look i'm sure Sarah is long gone by now". Violet turns around angrily taking more stuff then zipping her bag and storming out of the room to lay down and look up at the ceiling. "Sarah must have been a beautiful person, I hope she is dead i wouldn't ever wish anyone to see that."

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