Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

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                    The Three Nick, Carl, and Violet have done some traveling in a years time, picked up a few more lost souls along the way. Now we have Pete, Being the pack mule..and not because he is carrying everyone's stuff he just likes stuff a lot. Emma, Small but not someone you would pick a fight with, and last but not least. Colton Marks, an old leisurely type, good at almost everything he knows how to do. A 'Sparking personality, absolutely; loves the sound of his voice.               

                                                            Carl and the group walking down the road, looking around curiously filled with wonder in the big city they have fell upon. Being that now everything is pretty much rubble, its interesting to see everything i such a dead state. These, These are the things that make them Realize, this isn't some nightmare. Its not some facade, or a day dream. This is real, those things, everything they've lost, the whole world falling apart, its own human nature ripping itself to pieces. Everything man kind had built up or worked on for so long is now in rubble. There are no people here, it shows you how alone you really are makes you appreciate the way things were before this plague stuck, Killing all human life leaving only those who are strong, or those who simply wasn't in the way. "Luck is the only thing keeping us alive you know"-Carl. "We ain't too lucky, we can't even find good supplies"-Nick. "Oh..Quit your bitching and get over here, i see a bridge that may not be completely blown down"-Colton says playfully. Nick and Carl join him as Colton puts an old military map on the hood of a old car in the road. "okay boys, we're here and we need to be..uhm...there! right there. but this river here is to big to walk across, and we don't want to get everything we own wet."-Colton. "Build a Raft..?"-Nick. "No no that might take to long, we have to find shelter before night fall"-Carl. "Real question is, can we make it across that bridge, before nightfall."-Colton. "Wouldn't hurt to try, but what if we don't make it."-Nick. "i think we should just find somewhere here. Play it safe you know.."-Violet. "What if the bridge isn't up, they could have blown it down with the rest of them"-Emma says suddenly including herself to the group huddled around the map. "i say we go with Violet's idea. Play it safe, looks like there's some nice buildings here we can at least find a tall roof to sleep on for the night."

                  They start looking away from the map, and at the buildings Emma found on the map. Violet opens the car door and sits inside to her surprise the seats haven't been torn out or burnt.("that buildings going to be full of them, just like when me, Carl, and Dad..wen't there to run away. Should i tell them now..they seem all ready to go"). Everyone starts putting their bags back on their backs, as Violet opens the car door and steps out looking at them very frightened. "Wait! we can't go there! Anywhere! but there.."-Violet. The group looking at her puzzled. "Why not..??!? it's perfect, probably even a little power in that part of the city"-Emma. "Violet just what has you so against everything in this city or maybe you're just against us."-Colton said with attitude. Carl Pushing him down "Don't talk to her like that!". Carl hugging his troubled sister, as she starts to cry silently into his arms. "we....we've been here before, that buildings full of them."-Carl exclaims. "That is exactly why we carry these"-Colton pulling a Double barrel he has sticking out of his pack. "We don't have the ammo for how much we would have to fight in there"-Carl says in all seriousness, Dropping the mood to a frightening level. "okay there is plenty of other places, lets just find something else"-Nick.

                       The group packs all of there stuff and starts to walk further down the road. Violet wipes her tears from her face with her sleeves. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a picture of her father. She only sheds one more as she remembers what her father's dying  wish.

              The Group reaches a old gas house, and Violet pulls the photo out again. Remembering the day her father gave her the photo.. Its late winter, its just Violet, Carl, and They're Father Dean. "Alright this looks like a nice place to set-up camp" Dean says looking into a map with Carl. "yeah, if we can reach the rooftops before night fall we should be good for tonight". They walk down a road and the large building, a old hospital in better condition than most buildings. Besides the over growth and blown out windows. "Dad it looks like the door is already open"-Violet smirks, Sarcastically. The door laying in front of what used to be a door way, but now has a car crashed into it. They start to walk in through the window beside where the door ways use to be. Walking in they see blood everywhere, body parts still dripping they seemed to have been torn straight from the bodies. The bodies just a mangled mess, or splattered across the room. "Pretty Paint Job eh"-Dean. Violet looks around the mess of a room in fear, shocked at all the sight of so many people ripped apart by the creatures.                                                     "L-Lets get out of here" she says pale as a ghost and frozen in fear, facing a entire swarm which had been following silently behind them. One of the creatures roars loudly, shaking fear into to all of them. The creatures start to sprint towards them. "Run! Run for your life!"-Carl Screams, while starting to run as fast as his legs will carry him, his father and sister following him. "Stairs there!"-Dean shouts, pointing at a stairway and shooting back at the zombies. He closes the door and starts to run the other way. Pushing a large file cabinet down on the other side of the door. "Run! Get to the Roof!"-Dean Screams, his voice fading as gunshots echo through the building. Violet and Carl look at each other in terror. They start to run up the stairs, hearing the stairway door smash open. Carl looks down to see a swarm of black figures filling the stairway like water. They run faster, trying to reach the roof, as they reach the roof they slam the door. they here a gunshot as the door across from the opens and slams, there father leaning against it. "Dad! You're okay"-Violet and Carl say relieved to see there father. "I'm..i'm hurt"-Dean says in pain, falling from the door, the banging on the doors vanishes as the sun rises. "Dad! are you okay"-Violet cries, running to her dad hugging him. Carl leans down to him. "They got you good dad"-Carl says worried. "they did didn't the-"-Dean laughs coughing up blood. "Dad!"-Violet shouts crying on her fathers shoulder. "wait we can fix this! i can. i know i can!"-Carl throws his back pack down, and pulls his first aid kit away from the mess of clutter in his bag.              "Carl, Violet..."-Dean choking on blood, struggling to speak. "Dad.."-Violet crying falling into her dads chest. "You two"-Dean Coughs "You two have to find her, Find her for me. you!"-Dean says coughing up more blood, the light slowly fading from his eyes. The bleeding stops and Violet stares at Carl for a response, Carl nods shedding a tear while grabbing his fathers arm searching for a pulse. "Violet.."-Carl's voice breaking the Silence. "He's gone" She Screams Crying into her fathers chest, grabbing his shirt tightly. Carl pulls her off of him and hugs her tightly, tears drop into Violets hair; Violet shedding a tear and grasping the photo, "I'll find her, for you dad"-Violet whispers, closing her eyes and falling asleep as night falls.

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