Cute Shenanigans

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Both of you made it to the airport, without any further incident. You were overwhelmed when you went through security, but you were able to make it through and you caught up with Medic after. The two of you found a place to sit and you were able to charge your phone. Medic got up to get food for you. He came back with (Your Favorite Snack) and (Your Favorite Drink). "Thank you Medic." "You're welcome. By the way, can you call me by my real name bitte?" You don't have to call me Medic all the time." You knew his real name, you were in the habit of calling him Medic. "Sorry Josef. Heehee." He smiled and pat your head and sat down next to you.

After a while, you were done eating and you went to check your phone. You looked up some pictures of Germany to see what it looks like. You were amazed at some of the pictures. You couldn't wait to experience this in person. You look over at Medic and he was reading a book that was in German, so you couldn't understand it. You never noticed how handsome he looked. You didn't realized that you were still looking at him until he turned and smiled at you. You smile back and quickly looking down at your phone, trying to hide your blush.

A few minutes later, an idea came to your head. You started poking Medic on the cheek. He was smiling and trying not to laugh. Then another idea came to your head that made you blush. When his attention was on his book, you kissed his cheek that made him blush like crazy and covered his face with his scarf and pulled his knees up to his face. You giggled at his reaction. You wanted to lie down, so you lie your head down on his lap. He looks down at you and smiles while blushing a little bit. "Tired Liebling?" You nod your head and yawn. "I am too."

Both of you got up since it was time to go on the plane. Medic found a seat and you sat next to the window. you see a paper bag in the pocket of the seat in front of you and you picked it up. "I think I'm going to need this." "Medic laughed and pat your head." You've never been a fan of heights. You always get nervous when you go on a plane. "How long is this flight for?" "10 Hours. Unfortunately." You put your head on his shoulder. He just smiled, understanding you.

The flight has started 3 hours ago and you fell asleep with your head resting on Medic's shoulder. Medic had his arm around you with his head lightly on top of your's. He was gently dragging his fingers up and down your arm and kissed your head. 2 Hours later, you wake up and look up at Medic. He looked down at you and started blushing. You sat up a bit and you nuzzle your face into his neck and go back to sleep.

When you've finally reached Germany, Medic slightly nudged you awake. You held on to his arm since you didn't want to get separated. Medic blushed a bit and smiled as the both of you were walking. "So what are we going to do first?" "Well, we are going to see my sisters, which is also the place we'll be staying at. I have told them about you, which made them go crazy for some reason. They really want to meet you." "I didn't know you had sisters." He nodded his head. "I happen to be the youngest." "I didn't expect you to be the kind of person who had sisters."

"So, we have to take a train to get to Stuttgart. The train station is only a few minutes away on foot." "At least we finally get to walk. My butt hurts from the plane ride here." "It feels nice to walk. My legs are stiff." "So how long does it take to get to your sisters' house? On the train?" "About 30 minutes. Maybe a bit longer." "Great more sitting and butt pain."

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