Path One, Step Six: A Day of Mourning

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The day of the funeral has finally come and I feel my heart ache as I think of the man that changed my life while looking myself over in the mirror. I'm wearing a simple black dress, bought specially for the occasion, that stretches down to the floor completely covering me. I grip my small porcelain doll in my hand, a reminder of everything my father has given me, as I prepare myself. There's a soft knock at my door and I already know who's waiting for me on the other side.

"Come in, Erik."

He slips into the room silently and looks me over with concern. "Are you ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. How do I look?" I ask self conciously, brushing the creases from my dress as Erik smiles reassuringly.

"Lovely as always, my dear." He walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder, the other tilting my head up to meet his calming gaze. "I'll be right there beside you, I promise. You won't be alone."

His words mean more to me then he realizes as I feel the weight in my heart lift slightly, still there but not quite so painful. "Thank you Erik. You're too kind to me."

He chuckles as he releases my chin and slips his arm into mine, a motion that has become second nature to me. "That's what friends are for, or so I've been told."

He guides me from the room to the foyer where the rest of his brothers are assembled all adorned in black suits with white undershirts. Their faces are all painted with sorrow and concern as we descend the staircase and I once again find myself touched at their worry for me despite only knowing me for seven days.

"You're bringing her with you?" Matthew asks, pointing to the doll in my hand.

"Yeah, it seems.. fitting." I reply, smiling back to him.

Erik and I take my vehicle and his brothers take theirs as we head to the graveyard. We drive in silence accompanied by the soft patter of rain on the windshield and I stare out the passenger side window at the light grey clouds that hang in the sky. I don't even realize we've arrived until Erik pulls my door open and helps me from the car. We walk towards the large crowd gathered for the occasion and, despite knowing how beloved my father was, I'm delighted to see how many people came. I find myself yearning for the comfort of Erik's arm in mine as we make our way to the front of the crowd, people giving their condolences as we pass, but I simply hug the doll tightly to my chest.

"_______." I stop as I hear my name, venom dripping from it, and turn to see Williams legitimate son.

"Daniel, you came." I hadn't expected to see him, the one person who truly seemed to despise my father.

"Of course I came, I AM his son." He spits the words at me and I feel Erik tense beside me.

"Now's not the time." I sigh and brush past him quickly before he has a chance to make a scene, stopping before the mahogany coffin set in front of a deep hole. The others are already here and James raises an eyebrow at me as we stand beside them.

"Is there a problem, Miss." He inquires politely and Sam cocks his head in Daniel's direction.

"Seriously, just say the word and I'll go handle it." He growls, his voice thick with anger.

"No it's fine, just a little sibling rivalry." I force a smile.

"What kind of jerk acts like that at a funeral." Matthew shakes his head with a frown. I'm about to respond when a hand on my shoulder stops me and I turn to see Claire, tears already streaking her cheeks.

"How are you?" She asks as she pulls me into a tight embrace.

"Holding up better then you it seems." I reply and she pulls away with a laugh, brushing the tears from her face.

Seduce Me ~ The Path To ForgivenessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora