Path Three, Step Five: My Strange Addicton

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'I don't think this is a good idea..' I can't help but note as we stand in the dining room watching Erik admire my fathers garden through the glass doors, the barely budding blossoms seeming to stretch out their petals as he passes.

"Agreed. Shall we go talk to James then?" Damien offers, arms crossed as he watches his brother with a frown, but I huff sharply at his suggestion.

'For him to demand answers I can't give?'

"Can't or won't?" Damien asks, a knowing look on his face as I turn to him before quickly glancing away.

'I just have to fall right?' I ask, choosing to ignore the comment as I reach for the handle of the double doors but he catches hold of my arm, drawing my attention as he forces me to face him.

"Miss Ander... _______, I can only imagine what you've gone through. I know what monsters our kind can be and I completely understand why you hate us." Damien begins, jaw set and brows furrowed in fierce determination, with a slight plead in his voice that leaves me thoughtless. "But I want to help you and I don't feel this is the best way to do that. James will have more answers than I."

'Why have you been so kind to me?' I ask, a question that's been on my mind from the start, and he looks taken aback at my question, considering a moment as his lips twist into a frown.

"At first it was because I, we all, owe your father a great debt. He found me the night my mother.." His eyes cloud as he struggles to keep himself composed, brow furrowing in a mix of anger and sorrow, before shaking his head. "William brought us from our realm to this one, provided us with shelter and saw we were well prepared when we set off to explore the human world. He gave us a second chance."

He breathes deeply, closing his eyes for a brief moment, before smiling warmly at me. "But I've come to think of you as a friend, though we've only known each other a few days, and I hope to prove that not all of us are monsters."

'I know you aren't a monster.' I sigh inwardly, hoping that's not how he thinks I actually feel, before adding jokingly. 'Though I'm not entirely sure you're a demon.'

"You need more proof?" He chuckles, shaking his head, and I take this opportunity to sway him.

'Please, I don't want anyone else to know. I won't force you to help me just please don't tell anyone.'

We stand in silence for several seconds, his unwavering stare forcing my eyes to dart away as I tug on the hem of my shirt, before he sighs in defeat.

"Well then perhaps you should let me push you off the roof instead and hope Sam catches you."

'This was your idea, why are you so worried?'

"I'm not sure what's happening to you but.. I know my brothers. If you found my touch unbearable I can't imagine how you will find his." He glances past me and out the door with a grimace. "But I suppose it's now or never, don't worry I'll help make it convincing."

I turn to the door to find Erik making his way back towards the house, casting me a charming smile as he meets my eye. I turn back to Damien to find only fading wisps of black in his place but before I can question it the door opens with a click.

"All by yourself, little dove?" Erik asks as he closes the door behind him, chuckling lightly. "What a pleasant surprise."

As I bring my hands up I quickly realize I've left my notebook upstairs, having not needed it in Damiens company, and fail to notice how close Erik is until his hand rests gently on my arm.

Seduce Me ~ The Path To ForgivenessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin