Chapter 16

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Lily beat Dean to the house by a landslide. Dean is tall and has fairly long legs, but Lily could move twice as fast as Dean.

"Ha! I'd like a cherry pie please." Lily said dancing in a circle around a hunched over Dean. He stood up with his hands in the air.

"Alright, a deal's a deal. But I never said I wouldn't do this!" Dean grabbed Lily and threw her over his shoulder. Then he started tickling her sides. Lily screamed and started squirming and wiggling trying to get away from Dean.

"Dad stop!" Lily let out a loud giggle. "Dad I'm gonna pee!" That only made Dean tickle her harder. "Dean!" Lily cried out.

"Okay, okay." Dean said as he put Lily back down. Lily punched him in the arm.

"Hey! Watch it little girl!" Dean said laughing.

At that time, Sam and Bobby ran through the front door with guns in their hands.

"Lily!" Sam yelled. "Lily you're okay!" He engulfed her in a hug. "I heard you scream and I thought the worst!"

"So did I." Bobby said. He joined in on the hug. "I'm just glad my sunshine is okay."

"I'm fine guys. Dad just scared me that's all." Lily patted them both on the back. "Now, if you could let go of me so I can eat, that would be great."

Sam and Bobby let go of her and Lily walked into the house.

"So  how was your first day of school?" Sam asked as he got the peanut butter down from the cabinet.

"It was pretty good." Lilly said, taking the jar from Sam and grabbing a spoon. "I met this really cool guy. We have all the same classes." Lily opened the jar and took a spoonful out.  "He helped me around. He reminds me of Dad." Lily said as she shoved the spoon full of peanut butter into her mouth.

"What's his name?" Bobby asked. "Dylan." Lilly replied with peanut butter spilling out of her mouth. Bobby laughed and shook his head. Sam handed her a napkin. Lily took it and cleaned herself up. "Thanks." Sam gave her a half-hearted smile. "Listen Lily, we have to talk to you." Sam said very seriously.

Lily put down her spoon and looked between her uncle and her dad. "What's up?" She asked trying not to show how nervous she was. Dean took a very deep breath. "Sam and I have to go to California to help out a friend of ours." 

"Like, on a hunt?" She asked.

Sam and Dean nodded.

"Whew! You're going on a hunt! I thought something very serious and life changing was about to happen, you guys scared me!"

Sam and Dean looked at each other then back at Lily. "So you're okay with that?"

Lily laughed. "Yes I'm okay with that. It's basically your job! Go hunt things, and save people."

Dean let out a sigh of relief. "I love my flower."

"I love you too dad." Lily said laughing.

"Well, I asked Cas to stay here with you and Bobby while we're gone." Dean said. Lily gave him an annoyed look. Dean raised his hands up in defense. "It will help me sleep at night knowing and angel is here protecting you."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Okay dad, whatever you want. When are you leaving?"

Sam popped his head into the kitchen. "Tomorrow." Lily nodded. "Okay. Well, I'm gonna go up to my room. I'm kinda sleepy I think I'll take a nap." Lily kissed Dean's cheek and walked up the stairs.

"Well," Bobby said, "She took that really well." Dean nodded. "Yeah she did. I'm glad to. If she would have been upset I wouldn't have the heart to leave."

Bobby laughed. "That little girl has made you soft, boy." Dean straightened up and puffed out his chest. "No she didn't."

"Yeah she did." Sam said as he walked into the kitchen. "She's made us all soft."

Bobby and Dean nodded. "Yeah." They both said.

Hey guys! Look, I'm terribly sorry I haven't posted anything in a long ass time. Truth be told, I've lost interest in it. Not the show but the story I've written. Hell, the show too a little bit. I don't obsess over it like I used to. I used to watch it religiously because I was lonely I didn't have many friends that would talk to me much. The Supernatural fans are a loving, warmhearted bunch of people that I'm glad I've met. But now I've found my best friend in the entire world! (Who just happens to be my boyfriend) We've been together for a year and four months. It's been the happiest time of my life! Sadly, I don't have much time for this anymore. So I'm gonna bring the story to an end. I will write a few more chapters to try and conclude it. But I'm not in any hurry to do so. Again I apologize I've taken so long to do anything with this story, but I just don't have the inspiration anymore. I'll probably write more stories. More than likely not any more fanfics just my originals. Thank ya'll so much for all the support!
May peace, love, and kindness be shown to you always.

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