chapter 2

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It has been 8 months since I've last seen Jungkook. The thought of him, his name, made me disgusted. I've wasted 3 years of my life with a cheater. I should've known what kind of person he was. Maybe I was blinded, too blinded by love.
I hated myself for that.
I regret every moment spent with him.

For the past 8 months I've been doing better off without him. I got into a photography company and now I'm a professional photographer.
My life has been going great since then.
No more heart breaks, no more boyfriend.
No more Jungkook.
Nothing, nobody  was there to get in my way, which is what I like about being single.
Here and there my friends would try and hook me up with some of their guy friends but nowadays I'm quick to reject. I can't seem to trust guys now, not after what had happened. I don't want the same thing happening to me again.
Once was enough.

"Here you go~ one Caramel Macchiato and a hot Mint condition to go! Have a nice day ma'am!"

As I was too busy thinking, the Caribou worker slid my two drinks across the counter and ran back to make her orders. "Thank you!" I shouted and grabbed a hold of the two drinks quickly.

"Shoot!" I mumbled to myself remembering that Krystal had scheduled me with an unknown client. The photo shoot was about to start in 20 minutes and I was nowhere near my workplace.

Making my way towards the door, suddenly a bunch of girls rushed past me, making me lose my balance. A hot burning sensation burned my hand as I let out a scream. The Mint condition slipped out of my hands and spilt all over the floor, leaving steam rising up. Everyone in the Coffee shop stopped and turned around to see what was going on. Heat arose up from my hand as it was bright red, scarred up.

"Oh my! We're so sorry!"
The girls apologized sincerely to me before rushing back with some paper towels.

Employees came out from the back to see the commotion going on, only to realize that it was a spill. "Get her an ice pack quick!" one yelled as the other ran back to go get a mop. My left hand was shaking as the burn killed me deeply. All I could think about was the photo shoot and how dead I was going to be for showing up late.


I shut my car door gently before placing the ice pack back onto my left hand. The cold that stinged but soothed right away. Oh how I hate Wednesdays. Bad luck always seemed to occur on every Wednesday. Something inside tells me that maybe because on this day, me and Jungkook broke up. Or should I say, I broke up with him. A shudder ran through my whole body as I made my way inside the company with Krystal's Caramel Macchiato.

Krystal Jung.

Oh gosh, I was so dead. Krystal, my friend also worker, hates it when people come in late, especially when they are scheduled with a client and not on time to take their pictures. I know it's really unprofessional of me, but this was actually my first time.

Damn Wednesday!

I carefully push the front door open only to see Krystal running towards me, upset.
" (Y/N)! What took you so long? You're clients are upstairs waiting for you. Not to mention, you made them wait for another 15 minutes!"

I handed her her cup of coffee that she had requested me to buy for her earlier.
"Well sorry it's Wednesday. I didn't get a burn for no reason."  I mutter as I ran over to the table to grab the Nikon D4S. Krystal looks at the ice pack on top my hand and I could see the shock in her eyes.

"Gosh! (Y/N), what happened?"
She walks over and tries to removes the ice pack as I hung the camera around my neck. "Ah! Don't touch it! A bunch of girls pushed past me and my coffee spilt all over my hand. It's just a slight burn, it'll go away." I tried to brush it off  but Krystal couldn't seem to get the hint. "You need to go see the doctor (Y/N)!"

There she was, being all protective of me. Sometimes I just want to tape her mouth shut. As her friend and co-worker, there is no in between when it comes to her yapping away.

"Are you going to give me the papers or not?" I ask, waiting for her to give me my client's application forms impatiently. Krystal pushed back her hair giving out a huge sigh.

"They didn't fill it out when expected so I gave it to them when they went upstairs." I groaned out loud, stressed.

"Are you kidding me.."

"From the little amount of information that I received from them, they are getting married in 2 months. They want casual pictures together before they take their wedding pictures." Krystal handed me another camera in case the one I brought with me didn't work out well.

"I asked them if they plan to schedule their wedding photo shoot with us and I wasn't given an answer. Just a heads up, the girl has an annoying presence. The fiance on the other hand is smexy."

I rolled my eyes at Krystal as her eyes wouldn't keep to herself.

"Why are you checking out a married man?" I joke before putting the ice pack on the counter. The burn feeling didn't go away but I was still alive.
"What? You act like you don't check out married men. Besides, he's not married yet.."
She smirked evilly before cackling.

"What room?" I start to head upstairs not wanting my clients to wait any longer.
"F4 Room 12."

I ran up the flocks of endless stairs as I finally reached the 4th floor close to soaking in sweat. Gosh how I hate the staircases at work. It would make me sweat in less than 10 steps.
I begin to make my way through the hallway and around the rugged corners.  The sound of a girl's laughter was beginning to sound much more closer to me as I reached near room 12.

"Aw you're such a cutieee oppaaa." (Cringeee)
I hear the girl say in a cute voice. Something inside of me cringed as her aegyo was cringe-worthy.
"Oh gosh.."

I huffed as I soon reached outside the room. I soon entered inside to find all of the set ups waiting to be used. The room smelled like perfume as I can see the girl spraying on some.

"Oh! Hello~ you must be Miss Kwon."
The girl stopped what she was doing and bowed politely towards me. I nod my head and turned to look at her fiance. Her fiances back  was face towards me as I couldn't get a good look at him. His height surprised me though.

"Ah yes, (Y/n) is fine. I am so sorry for being late." I tell her, hoping she'd understand.

The girl chuckled a bit before she nudged her fiance who was still facing the opened windows.

"It's fine (Y/n), we didn't wait for long. Oppa, meet our photographer."
She says to him. Her eyes told me sorry as his rude actions towards me made me feel furious. Was it normal to get these kind of clients? No.

"Oppa~" The girl nudges again.

Her fiance turns around slowly to face me. And that was when all hell broke loose.
Wednesday was your most unlucky days alright and this day turned out to be much more worse.

"My name is Kim Hyo Min and this is my fiance, Jeon Jungkook!"


cheater; j.jk {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now