chapter 5

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Hyo Min rushes towards me carefully and hugs me with full force. I can feel a tiny bump on her stomach. Was she perhaps?

"Oh it's so nice to meet you here!"

I didn't know what to say.
You see, ever since that scene with Jungkook and me telling her that he was a cheater, it's just plain awkward now. I barely know this woman? Was my ex's fiancée that happy to see me? Did she finally know the relationship between me and Jungkook?

"H-Hi, nice to see you here." I say before pulling away. "Gosh these bags are really heavy. Where is my fiance when I need him?" Hyo Min grumbles before laughing.

I awkwardly stood there and laugh along hoping she would just go away soon so I could shop.

"Are you shopping alone?"
I manage to ask her.

She then nods and looks at the time. "I'm out shopping by myself for our new baby." Hyo Min rubs her stomach and smiles while looking down. I immediately stopped all doings and froze in place. It took me a while to process the fact that Hyo Min was pregnant.
With Jungkook's baby.

"Oh- is that so? Well congratulations Hyo Min! I'm really happy for you!"

I can feel my insides screaming with my face going 'Yehet'.

Hyo Min smiles and nods.
"Thank you so much (Y/n). You're so sweet! No wonder Jungkook dated you, you're such a sweetheart!"

I stopped and dropped the act. I could feel my whole body tense up with just her mentioning it. So he did tell her, or she got the clue when I went full berserk on Jungkook. Hyo Min notices and apologizes to me right away, bowing her head several times.

"Gosh, I am so sorry (Y/n). That was really rude of me to bring up your past. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to speak of it."

"It's fine Hyo Min. I'm over it."

The intensity of my voice may had frightened her a bit but at least it was clear to her that my feelings for Jungkook was long gone and trashed away. Hyo Min nods and checks the time once again.

"Oh gosh, I have 20 minutes left before I have to go pick up Jungkook. I'm sorry (Y/n), but I'm running short on time. I'll see you around."

She then waved goodbye to me and threw me a smile before turning back around to go. I don't answer back in time and wait until she finally leaves to breathe properly again.

"Where were you? Were you here this whole time?" Krystals harrowing voice echoed into my ear, frightening me viciously.
"Krystal! Don't do that, you know I get scared easily." I pout and gave her a look in which she accepted.

"Sorry crabby grandma. Hey wasn't that Hyo Min, Jungkook's fiancée you were talking with?" Krystal looks in the direction where she had left making me nod. "She actually talked with you after what you said to her about Jungkook?"

"Apparently she didn't get the memo fast enough because now she's pregnant with his child." Krystal drops her bags along with her jaw. "Are you serious?!" she yells earning stares.

I nod but shrugged it off, well a little. "Wow, I guess now all we have to do is support them. I guess."


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