chapter 6

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The first thing I remembered was Hyo Min. I woke up feeling dizzy and lightheaded, the moment I opened my eyes. Everything spun around me making it impossible not to want to hurl.

I let out a grumble before looking to my side. A humidifier sprayed to my right and a bunch of weird looking machines hooked up to me, was on my left. I can feel the stinging needles inserted deeply into my veins, hurting me.

"You're awake!"

A nurse with a roster roared loudly before walking over to me. Her white outfit made her look angelic until a 60 year old woman's face emerged instead, making me die a little.

"Am I at the hospital?"
I ask her, making sure of my surroundings. I looked over every aspect of the room and agreed with myself before the nurse could even say yes.

"How are you feeling? On a scale of 0-10, 0 being super painful and 10 being great."

The nurse showed me the chart of the scale and I pointed at a 7.

"That's not too bad for a person whose right leg is injured. Speaking of your right leg, you're one lucky person. Your kneecap could've been misplaced if the seat had came down with full force but luckily it's just a minor injury. You'll be fine in no time."

I watch as the nurse then make her way towards the door, when suddenly I had the urge to yell for her.

"Ms. Nurse? I have a question.. where is my friend Krystal? Also.. the woman who got ran over, Hyo Min, where is she?"

The nurse turns back around towards me and points up at the white board. Her eyes furrowed and she purposely clears her throat loud and proud for me to hear.

"My name isn't Ms. NURSE, it's Ms. MYUNG. And for your friends, Krystal is next door resting. She has a minor injury just like you, but for your friend Miss Hyo Min.."

She sighed and shook her head drastically.

"Aigoo.. she lost her child.
Her poor child."



I closed my room door and looked both ways down the hospital halls before making my way past Krystal's door.

The sight of seeing her fast asleep made me happy to see that she was alive and resting well. It made me upset to find her in this kind of condition. All because of the damn driver.

Using the walls for guide, I quickly try to find my way towards room P84.

Hyo Min's room.

My nurse had finally told me where her room was after 5 minutes of trying to convince her that I was her friend.

She didn't seem to believe me, but finally gave in when I fed her a bunch of lies.

Walking slower than I'd expect, I wince at every right step given, due to the "minor injury."

Every time a nurse came by, I would straighten up my back and walk normally until they were past me. Gosh it was a pain, the pain hurts me. After what seemed like years, I finally made my way up the 3 floors of where Hyo Min's room was. Her doors were wide open from a distance and then I sped up. I forced myself through the injury and walked towards her room. I could see her lying on her bed, herself faced the other way. The way her shoulders shook up and down, made it obvious she was crying.

Of course it was sad.

She lost her child.
Her child that wasn't even born yet.

Making my way past her room doors, before I can even say her name, I'm suddenly pulled and dragged out of her room. A strong figure closed the doors shut and charged towards me with its strong hands once again.

I couldn't feel the touch of the ground and started to yell when I'm dropped down onto both of my feet again. This time further away from the room.

"What the f-"
I started to say until I turn to see who it was.


Rage and hatred filled his eyes and he takes a huge step towards me making me gasp.


"Don't you even dare visit her! It's all your fault! Because of you, you lost our baby!
My child (Y/n)!"

Jungkook yells in my face and punches the wall near the glass windows. His cries muffled in between him and the wall, leaving behind drips of his tears.

I stand there, completely astound.

He blamed me.

Jungkook just.. blamed me?

"What are you talking about Jungkook?"

I slowly say to him, trying to calm him down. Jungkook turns my way once again before screaming at me.

"Stop playing dumb (Y/n)! I know you know that it was your fault! If you didn't argue with the driver in the first place, my child wouldn't be dead!"

My face turns completely red and by now I'm furious.



"Jungkook! Why are you blaming me?! I did nothing wrong! How was it my fault-"

"Everything's your fault (Y/n)! It always has been! If you didn't spill coffee on me 3 years ago, we would've never met! If you had tried to let me explain, I wouldn't be here! If you didn't try to stop the driver, my child wouldn't be dead right now! Everything is always you! Don't you know I'm sick and tired of seeing and hearing your god damn name and face everywhere I go?! Maybe that's why I cheated on you because I'm sick of you!"

My body and mind was left in an emotional state. Hearing these words come out of his mouth, mortified me. I stood there, quiet. Nothing was able to come out.

No words, no nothing.
Nothing except my sobs that gradually build up.

I closed myself from the outside world and fell against the wall.
I couldn't see, but I could hear Jungkook walk away from me. Him holding back all of that sorrow, throwing up all of his hate at me. The hate that didn't make sense but did in a way.

"I'm sick of you in my life. You've ruined me. And now, you've just made my life a living hell."

And then he left me.



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