Watch me

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(Happy little shout out to my ex who this dear poem is about♡)

Please, look at me please God, I need this.

I need this attention.

Watch me say things I don't mean, watch me use big fancy words and metaphors and similes I got off fucking google.

Watch me act as if I have truly suffered pain while I pain others, watch me cry fake tears, watch me act, watch me put on this theater show, watch me, watch me.

Watch me.

That's what you sound like.

You liers.

You cheaters.

That's what you sound like.

You sound like small frufru dogs, humping at our legs, braking for us to pay attention.

But see if I care.

I'll continue trying to fight you off.

Poetry is pretentious

Well no, your poetry is pretentious.

Fuck you.

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