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You know what? I don't care. I'm done.

No I'm not leaving you, I'm just done for the next few hours.

I'm done with the passive aggressiveness, the not listening, the mean words, the 'you wouldn't even understand', the constant hinting that I'm not smart enough, the constant never listening to me and the whatever else because I'm just done.

Leave me alone for a few hours.

Let me draw, let me read, let me write let me be alone and then I'll come back.

I'll come back to you because I love to much and even when people hurt me and push me away I blame it all on myself because it's obviously all my fault and apologize for whatever it is I did and you'll say 'no, it's me I'm fine now it was just whatever.'

You realize none of you have ever apologized to me right? You realize I am not as dumb and simple minded as I act. You think I don't realize that after knowing youes for so long I've counted how many times you've ever given me a real apologe and never once have you apologized for doing shit like this, none of you have none of you have ever just said 'I'm sorry for saying that'....

But yeah no its whatever! You know I'll never be able to straight out tell you I'm hurt so keep doing it! Hell next time you do it smile! Because if it helps you... I'm willing to put up with whatever pain it causes me because I love youes all... and if a single egg has to be cracked to make the perfect cake then so be it.

It's whatever to me.

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