July 19, 2069 Day 1 Out brake

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"Thank the gods! I'm finally going back to school to see all my friends it's been so long mom!" I said.

"Calm the fuck down John. You're going to make me crash one of these days. Why can't you be like a regular kid and hate school." Said mum. I wonder what goes inside her mind some days. She has to realize I'm not a regular kid.

"Because they're my friends! That will never change we all are bonded in our stupid crazy ways mom."

"Okay. Fine. Whatever I don't care as long as you stay safe. John we're here have fun at school and please don't get in trouble. I don't want to get called from work to go to your school."

"Okay bye mum." As I walked into the school I met my greatest friend. Her name was Laura Queens. She has such an awesome personality, and her smile it's the one and only smile that can drive a boy wild. She is about 5ft 7 inches. She also has blackish hair that falls down to her mid back. She has on skinny blue jeans with a blue Marvel's shirt on.

"Hey Laura. Are you ready for school to start?

"Wassup boi, and I am so ready for school. I can't believe we have to wait down here and then they have to call us up to the gym."

"Hey lets go find a seat before all the 6th and 7th graders take them." While we walked to the seat in the middle I saw Destiny Rose.

"Hey lets go sit by Destiny, Laura?"

"Alright let's do it!"

While we walked over I could Destiny wearing black jeans and a unicorn is awesome shirt. She has dirty blonde hair and a good smile.

Hey destiny hows~

People started screaming and running all over the place and we all looked over at this girl gripping on to a boy. Sh.. she was biting into his neck like a crocodile eating a seagull. I grabbed them and told them to head straight into the gym and lock the doors. I ran straight into the office and got on the intercom and said,"EVERYBODY GET TO THE GYM IF YOU CAN IF NOT RUN TO THE NATIONAL GUARD THAT'S JUST UP THE HILL!"I ran right into the Hall and there were so many of them everywhere. I went back into the office to find any weapons that I could have. Thank God we where doing the butterfly garden just a few days ago. I found three shovels!"YES."

Fine minutes later after I looted the office I got my book bag out and I found 4 bottles of water, two boxes of energy bars, and one box of matches. after that I put the two shovels in my the belt loop and one in my hand. I started out the door when I heard a girl she looked to be in 7th grade girl she had real short hair down to her shoulders.

"Hey psst. Over here before anyone or anything sees you." As she came closer to me I recognized her. Her name is Brianna Collins she held a gigantic pencil with blood on it.

"Hello who are you? Why are you helping me?"

"I'm John Michaels, and I'm saving your ass so calm down. Im heading to the gym do you want to come with me?"

"Yes I would love to! Thank you very much."

"Okay it's only down the hall let's get going." I handed her a shovel and we headed off. We got to the gym and knocked on the door.

"Laura! Destiny! Open up it's me John!"

As they opened up I saw a girl with them. I know her she's my twin Tara Watermalone. She's obviously isn't my real twin, but we go with it. I've had the hugest crush on her since like 4th grade. I've never actually told her this cause she likes the cool kids and I've been in the low parts but that doesn't matter now all that matters is us. vs. them.

"Tara! You're alive it's been months since I last saw you!"

"Oh thank God you're alive John! Laura and Destiny were just telling me how you sent them up here and to lock the doors."

Yeah, but hey you're here in so happy about that!

"Okay everyone we need to close those doors if people want in we will have someone watching it at all times. I'll take first watch and you all go and check out the stage they have all sorts of things here Tara come grab this shovel..."as I handed it to here I went over to the door and stood watch by the door. While I was doing that I gave my bag to Laura so we can ration out our food.
"Okay guys um well girls let's stay here for tonight and let's make a plan for tomorrow."

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