July 23 Truth

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The next morning we woke up and got to work in shooting the cans. There seems to be more undead coming after each shot. I suppose they are attracted to noise also.

" Okay Tara you need to take the safety off and aim make sure your arms are locked. Then take a breath and when you are lined up slowly let it out."

While she did as she was told and hit the can straight in the middle." You sure do know how use a gun John where'd you learn? Also are you feeling all right you're looking a little pale?

"My grandpa took me to the gun range before he died, and I'm perfectly fine." While I started rubbing my bite on my wrist.

"What happened to your wrist John?"

"Nothing what are you talking about?"

"Whatever," she said while grabbing my wrist. She pulled up my sleeve and it looked like she was about to pass out. Thank God I was right there cause she did and I caught her. I took her back into her bed and waited.

When she finally woke up. She started tearing up. Why was she crying? She take take care of herself.

"Why are you crying Tara?"

"Maybe I don't want you to leave John. Maybe I care also. I don't want you to leave me. You promised me!"

I know I promised, but it is going to happen I feel it in my veins. I'll never leave you I'll be there," pointing at her heart," so don't get all sad. While you where asleep I listened to the TV and I'm going to get you to the national guards building up on top of the hill."

"Wh.. When we leave?"

"Tonight. I'm getting you there before anything else happens. They said they will be taking you to cedar point. It's because there's water around it and there's only one way in and one way out."

"I'm going to miss you John."

"I'll miss you too Tara, but you got to survive. Just survive for me please."

"I will I promise you."

"Good now let's get packing we leave tonight and we have to be ready. Don't forget to load your gun, and put it on safety for right now."

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