July 25 Just The beginning

18 2 1

Finally it's daylight. It took forever to get here, and guess what? I'M ALIVE!! THANK YOU GOD!

Now it's time to get going. I need to meet up with the national guard. I never caught that guards name he seemed pretty chill.

It took me about 5 minutes to get there, but no one was watching the place. That's odd they had guards on look out yesterday. I bet they're are around back. When I went round back there weren't any transport vehicles.

They must have already left. I understand. They wanted to get somewhere kinda safe to protect themselves, but wait I found this note with a car that said," if you are reading this John that means you're still alive. Thank God. We left a day early because we all thought it should be safer. Make it here as fast as possible something doesn't feel right about these people."

Sincerely Tara

Well dang. I better get a move on. Thank you people for leaving the car. I need to find them. I need to make sure they are safe. I started to feel all light headed and bam total blackness.

A/N that's the end of this book thank y'all for reading. If you didn't like it comment what you didn't like and make sure I don't do it in book Two or if you want me to do something different in it thanks.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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