July 21 Separation

9 1 0

While I was driving around the corner I met this familiar car. Then I saw the license plate. I knew I had to stop and check it out. While I pulled the bus into a stop.

"Hey Brianna can I use that God awful pencil you have?"

"Pfft not with that attitude you can't. Maybe if you say please and get on the ground and flop like a fish. Then just maybe I'll let you have it."

"First of all stop with SpongeBob SquarePants shit. Thanks! Second of all keep your damn pencil."

While I was walking outside the bus I heard someone say," he's a liability we can't keep him. Did you see what he did to that teacher and the student. It was just disturbing."

" I've got ears too you jackass!" While I was heading to my moms car I noticed it was literally torn in half. Like some kind of terminator picked it up and decided to shoot it in half.

I also notice how this world is different. There's cracks in the road, burning buildings, and of course zombies.

I looked inside the car, and there was blood everywhere. Not just on the front seat. It's everywhere I finally took a look under my moms seat that's where she keeps her revolver. I took it and put it under my belt buckle so no one would notice.

When I got back to the bus I noticed the doors were closed." Hey Dylan open the damn doors!"

"We can't do that John. Almost all of us think you are a liability. We are giving you two water bottles and one shovel."

"I'm the one who got you this far! Why are you doing this now!? Why can't you do this whenever we get to pawn shop where I can have an actual weapon?!"

"Because some of us are afraid of you John that's why! We are also afraid that you would hurt us we a actual weapon also! Get behind your moms car and we will have someone bring the supplies out to you."

While I started walking back I heard commotion about who would bring me the supplies. When I finally got behind the car they sent Tara out here with the stuff.ugh why'd they choose her she could get her I don't know what I'd do if that would happen.

When she finally got to me she handed me the stuff and leaned in and said," I'm not leaving you." I seemed so shock to why she would say it I mean I understand she doesn't like me, but why put herself in harm's Risk?

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I care... I'm not leaving you here to die by yourself."

I felt my face getting hotter,"so um thanks. That means a lot. Truly."

We just stood there staring at each other, but then we heard the bus pull off and I could Destiny and Laura bawling there eyes out. It made me feel awful, and it made me want to kill the boy who did this. Dylan. I swear on the life of anything that's still alive ill get my revenge, and it will be sweet!

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