Burn It Up

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Lauren's P.O.V

"Hey Lauren, you going to English class today?" asked Ariana. She was in almost all of my classes. She was a freshman in college too.

"Yeah Ariana Latte, I'm going to class today. But I was gonna go back to my dorm and cook up something to eat first."

"Watch that latte word, Lauren Spaghetti! I'll see you in class later okay?"

I nodded and left out of the cafeteria with a smile on my face.

"What are you all smiley for?" asked Camila who was standing by the door I walked out of.

"Nothing I ju- damn Camila I can't smile!?"

"Oh shut up! Hey, did Amy tell you about what happened to me yesterday night?"

"Yeah. I can't lie, I'm still a bit weirded out by the fact that you heard the exact same thing Mani did."

"I was so fucking scared! I was gonna ask if you wanted to ride with me but I didn't wanna bother you," Camila said as we headed toward our dormrooms.

"It wouldn't have bothered me Camz. You could've asked me," I assured her.

"Is Mani okay Lauren? I only ask you because you're always around Amy and it's like Amy keeps tabs on what Mani does! Don't tell her I said that though."

"Yeah Mani is fine. Her, Amy, and Ally are coming back to school tomorrow."

"Cool. Man my stomach is rumbling. You have any bananas at your room?"

"Yeah probably. Ya know my sister's come visit sometimes and Christina probably left some bananas in my room to try and get me to eat better or whatever."

"Well I'm gonna go to your room with you then Lala."

"Okay. And since when do you call me Lala?"

"Since now."

I laughed as I made my way to my door and unlocked it. My dorm was huge. It had it's own kitchen and everything. Had to pay extra for it but whatever it's cool. Both Camila and I threw our bags on my bed and made our way into the kitchen.

Camila was looking around my kitchen for a banana and huffed in anger when she couldn't find one.

"What are you about to cook Lala?"

"I don't know. Maybe a pizza."

"Can I have some?"

"Sure. Its pepperoni. You don't care do you?"

"No. I have to run to my room really fast to get my charger. My phones dying. Be back in a sec."

I nodded and took the pizza out of the freezer and unwrapped it. I heard my door slam shut and knew Camz had left. She shouldn't be gone too long since her room is only around the corner from mine.

I preheated the oven and threw the pizza in and went to sit on my bed and play on my phone while it cooked. I started getting tired and closed my eyes for a second.

Not too long after I closed my eyes, my fire alarm started going off. I jumped up from the bed and ran into the kitchen, or I tried to but there was nothing but smoke. I couldn't see anything and I felt like I was choking.

I covered my mouth with my shirt and raced toward the door. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I rammed my shoulder into it but it still wouldn't open. Damn I wish I had windows in my dorm!

"HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I screamed as loud as I could.

I felt heat on my back and turned to see fire engulfing the room. My eyes went wide with fear as I tried my hardest to break the door down.


I turned back around and saw a dark figure hovering above me.

"This is your nightmare. Warning one."

No. Its not real. Amy said it wasn't real. It couldn't be.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again with tears streaming down my face as the flames around me grew.

I felt myself getting sleepy from the smoke and I thought I was about to doze off when my door swung open and Camila was looking at me like I was crazy.

"Lala what are you doing? Why are you crying love?"

I scrambled to my feet and ran into the hallway.

"Did you hear that? Don't you see the flames all over my room?" I asked her.

"Uhm, Lauren, look in your room. Its fine. There isn't any fire or anything."

I peeked into the room and she was right. Everything was intact. There was no fire. Did I imagine everything that happened? It felt so real. I felt the heat on my skin. I could smell the smoke that I took into my lungs.

"Lauren, get in here and stop kidding around. Why are you always trying to prank me?"

I wasn't trying to prank her. But I couldn't let her know that I saw the figure that her and Normani had saw. I decided to play it off and not worry her.

"Haha, you got me!"

She grabbed my shirt and pulled me back into the room and toward the kitchen.

"Pizza. Now."


"You're the Italian one, lets get this pizza going!"

"Its not done yet goofy! I have to- use the bathroom. Be right back."

I didn't have to use the bathroom. I needed time alone to think. Was that thing real? Did I really see... death? Was that game really cursed?
There goes another chapter. To be honest it was quite hard to write this chapter because I've been through house fires before and it's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. But hope you enjoyed the chapter and be on the lookout for another. Until next time, G.O.P out 😂✌✌

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