Walk Alone

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Ally's P.O.V

"Come on Ames, Mani, and Mila! Go to this party with me! Its the last one they're having before us juniors go back to school."

"I'm just feeling really serene tomight, ya feel me?" Amy said quietly as she pet Jasper.

"And I'm studying. I have an exam as soon as I get back," Normani answered.

"I just don't feel like it," Camila said.

I huffed and put my charger in my purse.

"I don't have a ride you guys!"

"Well sit here with us then! Be bored with us!" Normani joked.

"No, come on you guys! I really need a ride."

"One word for you sister, Uber," Amy said not looking up from her phone.

"You know what, if I was Normani you would've given me a ride! Where's Lauren, doesn't she have a car?"

"No it got towed," Amy said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, her ass didn't pay those speeding tickets!" Normani spit out while laughing.

"I swear she doesn't fear God nor does she fear death because she drives like a maniac!" Camila exclaimed.

"Whatever, I'll just walk."

"Walk to campus? Are you crazy?" questioned Amy.

"No, I'm bored! Like I said before, I don't know why I hang with you losers!"

I stormed out of Amy's apartment and headed toward the campus. I shoved my phone into my jean pocket and walked quickly.

About ten minutes into the walk, I saw a van following me. Or at least I thought they were following me. I turned down a different road and they turned too. Okay they were definetly following me. I quickened up my pace a bit and they sped up.

"Holy shit," I cursed to myself as the van sped up and was right by me.

The door flew open on the side of the van and I ran the way I came.
I heard heavy footsteps behind me and I tried to run faster.

"Help! Somebody please help me!" I yelled as tried to cut through someone's yard only to be tackled by someone who was a lot bigger than me.

"Don't struggle or I will hurt you," said a gruff voice.

They put their hand over my mouth and as much as I kicked and screamed, it was no use.
They threw me into the van and I couldn't see anything but darkness.

"Ahhh! Help!! Let me out of here!" I screamed when I felt something grab onto my arm.

"Why do you want to leave?" asked the person who was in front of me. It sounded like a British man.

"Yes, stay. Be bored with us!" another said and they both started to laugh.

"AHHHHHHH!" was all I managed to get out before one of them snatched me up and held me up in front of them.

I saw two pair's of red eyes appear in front of me and my heart literally dropped.

"This is your nightmare. Warning one."

The person or whatever it was dropped me on the cold hard floor of the van and the van came to a hard stop. I rolled over and one of the figures grabbed me and held my arm as the other opened the side door.

"Begone!" said the one with the British voice as I was flung out of the vehicle.

I hit the ground so hard I couldn't breathe for a moment, or even move for that matter. I caught my breath and sat up. Where the hell is my purse? Damnit! And where am I? I looked around and discovered I was back at Amy's apartment complex. I was laying in the street in front of her house. I stood up and dusted myself off before I quickly walked up to the door and pounded on it. Camila came to answer the door.

"Back so soon?"

"Shut up and move. Where's Amy?"

"She's in her room, asshole."

I ignored Camila's smart remark and made my way to Amy's room. When I opened the door, I found her and Normani cuddled up sleeping in the middle of the bed.

I was about to tell her about what just happened to me but I didn't have the heart to wake them. I slowly backed out of the room and went back to the living room where Camila was watching cartoons.

"Wanna lay down by me Ally?" she asked sweetly. She could see that I was obviously shaken up by something but didn't question it.

I nodded and laid down next to Camila on the couch. I should probably tell someone about what happened to me but would they believe me?

Would they believe that there were two guys, three if you count the driver, that kidnapped me, took my purse, and teased me? How the hell did that one guy even know about Normani saying "be bored with us?" And the glowing red eyes and the warning, what about that? I shrugged off the questions and decided to keep my mouth shut about the situation.

"Uhm, night Mila. Love you."

"Night Ally, I love you too."

The last thing I saw before I dozed off was the t.v. slowly getting blurry as I slipped out of consciousness.
This one was shorter but not as short as Allyson. 😂 Hope you enjoyed the chapter and if ya did, give it a vote for me! Until next time, G. O.P out 😂✌✌

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