Lets Finish This

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Normani's P.O.V

Once we got in the car, I drove straight to the dorms that were on campus. Lauren told us which room she was in and we all raced to her room as fast as we could.
Lauren was the one who started pounding on the door until Ariana came and opened it.

"Oh hey guys! Whatcha doin here?"

"Do you have a game called This is Your Nightmare?" asked Lauren.

"Yeah I tried to play it but it has no directions. Weird."

"No what's weird is that the game tries to kill anyone who plays it," Ally said.

"What are you talking about?"

"The game has a curse put on it. The Witch of Death, Yamon, put a curse on it a long time ago and said that anyone that plays the game will be cursed. No one knows why she cursed the game but it's cursed," Amy explained.

"Okay, you guys are crazy. Now stop kidding around," Ariana spat out.

"Nobody is kidding around here! We're not playing with you, you need to lets us play that game!" Ally yelled in frustration.

"I mean fine you can play it. But like I said before, it doesn't have any directions."

Ariana waved them off and walked into the bathroom. Not too long after she walked in, the shower came on.

"Where's the game?" asked Lauren.

"Right there on the bed. Lets get this over with, I have a hair appointment in a hour," blurted Ally.

The girls all sat on Ariana's bed and opened the game. It had actual instructions in it this time. There were also six puzzle pieces inside of the game.

"Okay, this game makes no sense. It literally had no pieces or instructions last time we tried to play it," Ally complained.

"Well it has some now. Lets play it and get it over with," Amy shrugged as she drew out her words.

"There's six puzzle pieces. The instructions say to play with six people and put the puzzle pieces together," Lauren muttered.

Just then, a loud scream came from the bathroom. Ariana. We all jumped up and flew through the door to see Ariana on the ground soaking wet.

"What the hell happened!?" Screamed Camila.

"There was this thing, it said something to me and it had red eyes!"

"She finally saw it. You believe us now skeptic?" Ally mocked.

Ariana nodded her head and stood up, with the help of Lauren.

"How the hell did you get all wet?" I asked her.

"I was getting ready to get in the shower when the curtain wrapped around my face. The shower was already on and that's why I'm soaked."

"Like we said before, we need to finish this game," Amy said quickly.

"And since it has six puzzle pieces, I'm guessing you are the lucky person who gets to play with us," Camila quipped.

"I guess. I'm sorry for calling you guys crazy by the way," Ariana apologized.

"Its cool, lets play now," said Ally.

All six of us sat down on the bed and took a puzzle piece. They all matched up but we had to figure out how to match them up and put them together. We quickly put the pieces together and nothing happened.

"Well, what the hell? Isn't something supposed to happen?" asked Ariana.

"I don't know. All it told us to do was put the pieces together," I answered.

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