Come To My Place

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Amy's P.O.V
I woke up in a hospital bed with a doctor hovering over me.

"Well, you look okay to leave," said the doctor smiling.

"Where- where are my sister's? Where's Normani?"

"Your family and friends are waiting for you. They came in to see you but you were asleep. If I could just get you to sign these release papers-"

Normani and Ally came bursting through the doors and jogged to my bedside.

"Good you're woke! You scared me half to death short stack!" Normani exclaimed.

"Amy, you and Mani almost dying and shit on me is really starting to bug me," Ally said.

"Well hello to you too Allyson," I giggled out.

Normani gave me hug and sat on the edge of the bed. She started rubbing my head and Ally cleared her throat.

"Excuse me you two, you ready to get outta here?" asked Ally impatiently.

"Uhm yes, I'll just need your signature right here and you should be able to leave. I'll give you a prescription for some painkillers for that gash on your forehead."

I signed the paper and sat up in the bed as Camila and Lauren came into the room.

"Sis! Oh man I was so scared!" Lauren yelled.

"She lives!" shouted Camila making the entire room erupt into laughter.

"Yeah I'm alive. But we seriously need to have a talk about-"

"Hey Ames! We got you flowers!" Dani said as she came through the door.

"We ran to the store to get them for you," Lisa added coming into the room behind Dani.

Christina and Katherine followed after Lisa and hugged Amy and said hello to everyone.

"Here's your flowers Ames," said Dani sweetly.

"Thanks. I'm about to get outta here though so why dont you guys all come to my place?"

"Can't. Got a date tonight. Rain check?" Lisa said with a big smile on her face.

"Okay. Rain check it is then," Amy said nodding her head.

"Oh and Normani, I'm really sorry about pushing you into the pool. I was dru-"

"Its alright Lise. We're alright love," Normani nodded in understanding.

"I'll go. I'm not doing anything," Katherine shrugged.

"And I have to go to the gym, but I love you and I'll see you soon," Christina explained.

"What about you Spice?" asked Lauren.

"Yeah I'll go. Who's driving?"
Everyone was back at Amy's apartment dancing around and listening to music. They had ordered pizzas; those were long gone, and a ton of juice.

"Oh my God I haven't had this much fun in awhile!" Katherine exclaimed.

"Its always fun at my place," Amy said in between laughs.

"I'm tired though, lets watch a movie or something," Dani suggested.

"Not a scary one! I hate scary movies," Lauren said.

"Me too. I don't care how many people are around me, I'll have nightmares," Camila added as she snuggled up to Lauren on the couch.

"I don't care if we watch a movie. What do you guys wanna watch?" asked Normani.

"Oh, lets watch Beauty and the Beast," Lauren said excitedly.

"Uhm, lame! Lets watch a romantic comedy," Dani shot back.

"Uhm, no. You said Beauty and the Beast was lame but I'd rather watch that," Ally mocked.

"Dude, whatever, lets just throw in a random movie," Katherine said as she sat down on the couch.

"Throw in a random movie? No, lets just watch some re runs of cartoons on Nick," Amy said quickly.

"Cartoons!? Why cartoons?" questioned Dani.

"Because it's my t.v."

Amy took the remote from the couch and went to Nickelodeon to watch re runs of Hey Arnold and and the Rugrats.

It wasn't long before everyone started dozing off to the sound of the t.v. playing in the background.

Camila and Lauren had fallen asleep on the couch sitting up, Katherine did too. Ally fell asleep in a recliner. Dani was asleep on the floor. Normani was cuddled up with Amy on the floor but Normani wasn't asleep yet.

She was still up watching t.v. when she heard a noise coming from the kitchen.

"Fuck is that?" she asked herself.

She shook it off and just guessed that it was Jasper eating or something. She turned her attention back to the t.v. only to hear the noise again, but this time when she looked, the kitchen light was on. She looked around the room and Jasper was asleep by the front door. Kath was asleep on the couch next to Camz and Lauren. Dani was on the floor by Jasper. Ally was fast asleep in the recliner. And Amy was right next to her. So who the hell is in the kitchen?

"Who the fuck?" Normani whispered to herself.

She didn't want to go see what it was but she also didn't have much of a choice. She unwrapped Amy's arm from around her waist and slowly stood up. She crept into the kitchen and looked around before turning the light off and walking back into the living room.

As soon as she laid back down, she heard another weird sound coming from the kitchen. She checked to see if anyone else was woke but they weren't. Normani got an uneasy feeling in her stomach as she rose from her spot on the floor again. She stepped over Amy and looked into the kitchen again only to be met with a pair of glowing red eyes.



"Ah! What- what the hell you sneakin up on me for?" Normani asked Amy.

"Why are you woke? You alright?"

"I'm fine, I just thought I saw and heard something in here."

"What was it?"

"It had red eyes. It was the same thing I saw when I was pushed into the pool by Lisa."

"I can't lie about this anymore. I saw it too. So did Camz. She told me when I picked her up the other day. When I got into that wreck, he appeared right next to my window. I wasn't gonna tell any of you because I didn't want to freak you out."

"Amy look, in the morning, we need to go get that game. Bad shit has been happening to us ever since you took it back."

"I agree. But lets try to get some sleep now, huh? Wanna go lay in my bed?"

"Yeah sure."

They walked into Amy's room and laid down on the bed. As much as Normani tried, she couldn't go back to sleep. Its like those red eyes were etched into her brain.
I had a bunch of fun writing this story but it is about to come to an end. If you liked the chapter go ahead and leave a vote for me! Until next time, G.O.P out 😂✌✌

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