•Letter No. Rei•

244 10 12

(I was waaaaaay too bored when I did this xD and I forgot to post it yesterday OAO)

I was tagged to do this by my Onii-chan AaronRyuchi and my French Princess Croissant with Extra Butter and Chocolate<3 Also known as Lea_Selina!! And since Enji is anything but a turtle killer >.< I shall complete le tag challenge *^* #SaveTheTurtles2k16

Kidding xD I only wanted to do this to have a day race with Onii-chan! But he said no Dx

Anyway! From what I am guessing.. The rules of the challenge are that you must write thirty different letters, one per day, in thirty days~ Im not good with words sooooo meh >.< This already sounds like hard work ^^;

Oh! And the letters must be addressed to a certain list of people.

Letter no. Ichi -
Your Best Friend

Letter no. Nii -
Your Crush

Letter no. San -
Your parents

Letter no. Yon -
Your sibling (or closest relative)

Letter no. Go -
Your dreams

Letter no. Roku -
A stranger

Letter no. Shichi -
Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Letter no. Hachi -
Your favourite internet friend

Letter no. Kyuu -
Someone you wish you could meet

Letter no. Ju -
Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to

Letter no. Jui-chi -
A Deceased person you wish you could talk to

Letter no. Ju-nii -
The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Letter no. Ju-san -
Someone you wish could forgive you

Letter no. Ju-yon -
Someone you've drifted away from

Letter no. Ju-go -
The person you miss the most

Letter no. Ju-roku -
Someone that's not in your state/country

Letter no. Ju-shichi -
Someone from your childhood

Letter no. Ju-hachi -
The person that you wish you could be

Letter no. Ju-kyuu -
Someone that pesters your mind-good or bad

Letter no. Nii-ju -
The one that broke your heart the hardest

Letter no. Nii-ju-ichi -
Someone you judged by their first impression

Letter no. Nii-ju-nii -
Someone you want to give a second chance to

Letter no. Nii-ju-san -
The last person you kissed

Letter no. Nii-ju-yon -
The person that gave you your favourite memory

Letter no. Nii-ju-go -
The person you know that is going through the worst of times

Letter no. Nii-ju-roku -
The last person you made a pinky promise to

Letter no. Nii-ju-shichi -
The friendliest person you knew for only one

Letter no. Nii-ju-hachi -
Someone that changed your life

Letter no. Nii-ju-kyuu -
The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

Letter no. San-ju -
Your reflection in the mirror

Nowwwww. For the tagging xD *evil anime laugh* Muhahahahaha~

First and most importantly!
#ZYTHE *^* Crimson_Scythe ZacKember You guys have probably been tagged already xD BUT ITS ZYTHE, SO I MUST TAG YOU GUYS AS A LOYAL SHIPPER!

My Ansatsu, Melon Lemon, Forever Flat Twinsie @TahdiyatMoumeena27 Its my duty as a twin to make you suffer this too<3 *salutes*

My Antorable Skypad Little Bro AntonViBritannia *whispers* I dare you to do it, Iza-kun! =^.^=

Le Ciel Phantomhive of Wattpad @-_Artist_- Phantomhive would do it!! ^^... No, he wouldn't.. Ayato wouldn't either Dx Damn you, you Earl Demon Ghoul.

Mystii-senpai -Lumi- (Gomenna~ You should do the challenge though!! Reading Senpai's letters would be interesting!)

My Owl-kun and Wrythe-yy UnresolvedFate Muhahahha xD

My Lunatic Master/ Dazai-kun *^*/ ImaginaryLunatic Do it for le Lunatics *^* Or don't if you're too busy. I just felt like I had to tag you as a Lunatic servant xD *passes you a bowl of Lunatix*

My Helix-chan @ghostreader123 Do it!! And make it funny cause you're really really funnyyy!

My Lizzie-chan #Laifu tangIedheartstrings 'Stop we never, Drugs forever!' xD

KAWAII PYRAMID POTATO!! C00XC01 *pinches your cheeks* D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~

My Sergeant Pi/ Pi-chan! AllThingsPI know you've already started on your tag book! But I felt like the Trump Monster might try kidnap me if I didn't tag you Dx And then I wouldve needed icepacks for my bruises xD

Aaaaaand I cant remember anyone else at the moment Dx

I'll start doing this in a week or two! I have school right now, unlike most lucky lucky lucky people >.< and thats about it xD


- Enji Kuroi, peace out~ '

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