•Letter No. Ju•

66 6 4

•To Someone I Don't Talk To As Much As I Would Like To•

Dear Angel Bear,

Extraordinary Elliot!! Or 'Excepted' as you say... But I wont ever let you get excluded so no no no!

We don't talk much Dx I mean, we do talk from time to time, but then again, most of the time we don't >~< Usually because I'm always on BDaD and you aren't.

I wish we could talk more though!! Talking to you is fun~ Cause you have interesting life stories xD (you're childhood one was cute!! And then there was that dare one~) Plus, you're extremely wise and helpful too!! I know I can always come to you for advice and support when I need it. My Angel Bear has never let me down.

For some reason, all I can think of right now is Hobo Pasta xD Which I never ended up making cause of Aaron Dx And now I've forgotten the ingredients to it.

Anyway!! I dont know... You kind of feel like a cross between a good friend, a mom and a sister...

Oh wait. You feel like a Waifu.

Thats cause you are a Waifu~

Youre my Waifu!!

And to another 20+ people xD

Ciao-su Angel Bear~ I hope we talk more in the future. Ily<3

Love From,
Pasta Waifu

(Thanks for teaching me all these japanese numbers!! *hugs*)

*burns the edges of this letter*
20 letters left to burn...

Thirty Letters To BurnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora