•Letter No. Kyuu•

77 5 7

•To Someone I Want To Meet•

I missed a day so I'll have to do two letters... Tomorrow. Im too lazy to post another one today Dx

Dear BDaDers,

Choosing one person out of you guys is too hard Dx Cause I wanna meet all of you!!! But mainly the ones that I usually talk to! Like Aaron, Pi, Cai, Tahdi, Zythe<3, Ember... Theres too many to mention ^^

I dont know how to write a single letter to everyone cause youre all so different from one another >.< So I'll make this short xD

Thank you, guys!! For not completely ignoring me when I first joined BDaD... Looking back now, I wouldn't have been surprised if you did Dx I WAS SO EMBARRASSING!!! But we donut speak of the past sooooo shhhh. The Badboy fangirl never happened!

Never happened.

And also! Thank you for these past seven months. I guess, one thing you guys do have in common is that all of you have helped me with life in one way or another. Meeting in real life would let me actually hug tackle you to show my appreciation!!... or give cookies to the non-huggy people~ Or green tea if they don't like cookies... BUT EVERYONE SHOULD LIKE COOKIES CAUSE COOKIES ARE AWESOME!! OAO

By the way... Im with Cai on the whole face seeing thing.. (if you guys have read his letter ^^;) I have this anime image of everyone AND I REALLY DONT WANT THAT TO GO AWAY >~< CAUSE EVERYONE LOOKS SO CUTE IN MY IMAGINATION!! *ahem* Anyway xD Mebbe (<--- Look Pi!! I stole your maybe!!) we can wear masks or something... But like, colorful ones so we dont look like wear about to rob a house xD

Anyway! Heres a virtual hug *hugs everyone from BDaD* Arigato~ For everything. You guys are more family than family.

Love from,
Enji Kuroi/ Ryuchi

*burns the letter* This challenge is waaaaaay too long T~T Who made me
do this!!? Oh yeah. It was Onii-chan e~e
21 letters left to burn...

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