•Letter No. Hachi•

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•To My Best Internet Friend•

I've made quite a few internet friends since I've joined the threads, and I don't really have a best friend amongst them. But! In regards to the person I've had the most laughs and fun with.. theres only one person I can think of~

I just realised o.o Today is Friendship day!!! What a coincidence xD

Dear Tahdi Ryuchi,
Forever Flat/ Lemon

My Ryuchi twin<3

We don't talk as much as we used to, thats for sure. We went from talking eight hours a day to ten minutes in three. But I guess there's no one but me to blame for that though ^^; I brought problems in and made us drift apart. I created the wedge in our friendship... or more like our twin-ship~

Gommena for that. I really didn't mean to. I wish I hadn't...

Anyway! This letter wasn't supposed to be soppy and sad. It was supposed to be fun and sweet!! I don't know how to do that though...

Hmm... Remember when we first made the Ryuchi Twin account!!? Ive forgotten the reason why we created it in the first place xD I think it was to confuse Cai since he kept mixing the two of us up. We couldn't decide on which Ansatsu Kyoushitsu character to use as our name so we mashed Karma, Nagisa and Chiba's second names together xD
Akabane Shiota Ryuunosuke~
It actually sounds pretty damn awesome!

Talking about Ansatsu... We started and finished the last episode together. Its kind of cool if you think about it ^^ We were in two totally different continents but we both watched the same episode at the same time... Im thinking way too into this xD But Im glad that I finished my favourite anime with one of my favourite people. I'll always think of you when I see Chiba in the reruns of the seasons~ or Nagisa... Or Kayano *whispers* Forever Flat~

Oh!! And remember when we swapped our usernames to trick Aaron and Pi xD We may or may not have irked them slightly with that. Well, not Pi. She was waaaay too clever for us and saw right through everything we did >.< Maybe Aaron though. He was reluctant on giving us Onii-chan hugs later Dx If I recall correctly, that whole thing didn't end so well... At least the start was fun though!! It made me laugh xD

These memories are actually making me kind of sad ^^; I miss the fun we had, and I hope we carry on being weird and awesome again!! If we don't though... I guess the best things end early. Thanks for being an awesome Onee-chan even though I couldn't be one back!!! Ily<3

Love from,
Enji Ryuchi
Semi-Senoritis/ Half-Chuunibyou

'Don't wish for something to never end. Wish for it to end well.'
- Aaron Ryuchi, 2k16

I hope you never see this letter *burns the paper* 22 left to go...

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