•Letter No. Nii•

110 7 16

•To My Crush•

Ive only ever had one crush xD And they're more like a brother to me now soooo ^^; This person doesn't exist at the moment.

Unless you're allowed to write a letter to anime crushes xD

Anyway! This letter will be from *counts* minus 6 months Enji! I think I got that right.. Was February six months ago?

Dear Crush-kun,

Honestly... Having a crush on you is the worst experience ever and I never never never want to go through anything like this again.

You're annoying.

Well, you aren't really. Your personality just really pisses me off xD I don't even know how this crush happened, to be honest. One minute I despised you and the next, you were on my mind twenty four/seven.

Like... Literally...

I was on a vacation to Dubai around the time I developed this crush. Its a really gorgeous place, you know. With all its Skyscrapers, and beaches, and fooood *ahem* Anyway. I couldn't enjoy any of that, and I blame it on you.

I remember this one time I was in a Water Park, on a ride that goes into those pitch black tunnels and then has a huge drop right after it. My nieces were screaming beside me xD But all I could think about was if I had irked you in the morning cause you hadn't replied back to my text...

I know, I know. Kinda sounds like I'm over-exaggerating, right? Funny thing is, I haven't even written a half of what it feels like to crush on you.

It's painful... And thats an understatement. It feels like you've prodded my heart with a sharp burnt stick every time you say something harsh towards me (It still does xD Even though this crush is loooong gone.) I guess being apathetic and blunt is just you though, right?

The most stupidest thing about this is that I don't even know you in real life. It's all online...

There's a lot of things left to say, buuuut I'm ending this letter now. I don't know how to word it ^^; Nor do I want to say it all either.

And even though you probably dislike me (Since I'm like the toootal opposite to you) I still wish you the best for the future!! Knowing you, you'll probably never get a girlfriend xD So I hope you find a good friend ^^ Someone who takes care of you and stops you from overworking yourself with school and writing~ As it seems I can't be that person.

Enji Kuroi
That crazy girl whom you (unfortunately) happened to meet

Anyone who's figured out who this letter is to, oooor if the 'crush' themselves has figured it out then have a cookie!! AND REMEMBER, THIS WAS SIX MONTHS AGO! Enji only crushes on Karma Akabane now! Dx This letter shall not be spoken of!

*burns the letter till theres nothing left* 28 letters left to burn...

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