•Letter No. Yon•

72 6 8

•To My Siblings•

Im guessing this is supposed to be your IRL brothers and sisters.

Well! This letter will only be to my sisters since I have nothing to say to my three brothers.

Dear Aneki and Onee-chan,

I seriously don't understand where the two of you find time to criticise me when you have kids of your own o.o

Lets start with Onee-chan. Which would be the younger of the two.

You've always had it in for me xD For as long as I can remember. I've grown up with your hate and dislike so it's never really bothered me much. Why you hate me though... That's what confuses me. It's like my existence is a curse to you and I have no idea why. I don't even talk to you ^^; We're practically strangers living in the same house.

I have no idea what your age is, or when your birthday is. All I know is that you're around twenty.

So why on earth does my presence bother you so much? Why are you always the one to bring the topic of 'me' up in a normal conversation?

Mom would be talking about gardening and then theres you, randomly making assumptions like 'Mom. I bet Enji has a boyfriend. Who else would she be texting all day?' (Though she wouldn't say Enji cause thats not my real name xD)

How the fluff did the conversation go from gardening to me having a boyfriend?

Oh wait. You made it happen.

Meh. You spend so much time complaining about a stranger, that you forget to see your own two kids. One is violent, and the other cries at every single thing. I can't say much about them though. I actually like my nieces and nephews.

And to my Aneki. I'm too lazy too write a proper letter to you Dx All I can say is that you're the worst from the two.

Enji Kuroi

*pours gasoline all over the letter* *burns it to ashes* 26 letters left to burn...

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