•Letter No. Shichi•

76 7 6

•To My Ex•

Ah. I forgot this existed... And now I have to post two letter today ;-; Dammit. I don't have an Ex in real life thoughhhhh Dx What am I supposed to be writing!?

Dear Ex,

Did you see that red-eyed, black-furred Teddy Bear sleeping next to you when you woke up this morning Beautiful, wasn't it? In case you haven't realised yet, the teddy is a pretty special one. Those red beads have been following your every move since the morning.

What was that? You don't believe me? Meh. Test it out for yourself. Its been giving you death glares every time you turn around too xD

Moving on! How about the eyeball in your cereal? Come oooon. You must've seen that. It took me ages to find a decent eye to hide in your food. A unique blue one too. Quite like your own actually~

Ah. There was something else too. What was it again...? Maybe it was the rats I hid in your wall or the dead bodies stashed in your basement.

I really can't remember.

Stupid me ^^;

I guess I'm done here then.

You should probably stop the spiders I hid in the envelope from crawling down your pants.

Curses from,
Your Psycho Ex~

Im not evil, I swear ^^

*casts an auto-burn spell on the letter* *sends the letter* 23 letters to burn~

Thirty Letters To BurnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon