Hello- Adele

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So it was any normal day in Atlanta at our foster home. We were all mopping the floors when a pretty brunette with wavy hair walked in.
She smiled at me and I smiled back.

I knew that she wouldn't adopt me. They don't like the older kids. They always choose the younger, cuter, more adorable kids. I'm fifteen so I'm basically trash to most people.

I kept mopping then she walked into Miss's office and began describing the child she wanted.

"Teenager" the woman replied.

"Hair color"
"Dirty blonde" she replied as I looked down at my hair and nearly squealed.

Then Miss and the lady came out and rounded all the dirty blonde teens up and made a line for the lady to meet us.
There was 6 of us and all of them were trying to butter her up but I just smiled at her.

"What's your name sweetie" she asked me.
"Natalie Mae." I said bravely.

She smiled and went to the next kid and before I knew it she was done and Miss came out to announce who it was.

"Natalie Mae Richards. This is your lucky day" Miss said and this time I squealed for real.

"What's your name" I asked the lady.

"Lauren Cohan"

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