I love food

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We soon arrived to a restaurant which I had no idea we were going to eat but what ever.
We got out and Chandler grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car gently and then Mingus took my other one and they led me through the crowd of paparazzi.
We got inside and we all sat down at a table of 16 people and I sat with Lauren on my right, Chandler to my left, and Mingus in front of me.

"Everyone this is the child I've adopted. Natalie Mae." Lauren said.

I got a few 'nice to meet you's but one really got to me.
Someone said 'welcome to the family' and I couldn't help it. My eyes started watering.

Everyone was looking at me and they had noticed that I was tearing up.
I felt two people touch my hands.
I see it was Lauren and Norman.

I smiled them a reassuring smile right as the waiter showed up.
"Um, Coke. Pizza." I said looking at the menu.
He wrote it down and went to the next person.

After he left everything went silent and Lauren just had to talk about me.
"Natalie is planning on auditioning for the new part" she said.

They all looked at me and I cursed under my breath but Chandler and Mingus heard and started laughing until I kicked them under the table and everyone laughed.
"Yeah even though I'm not sure who I'm trying out for" I said to them all.

"Oh. Her name is Max. She doesn't talk much and one day Carl watches her leave and try's to warn her but she's stubborn. Then they become friends kinda and then he becomes her love interest". Norman explains.

"Ok. Stubborn, and sneaky yeah I can play that part well. But who plays Carl again" I asked.

Then Chandler raised his hand.

"Damnit" I said aloud "crap that was out loud"

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