I guess you could say i'm stubborn

15 2 0

This will be the scene she acts out to auditions with.

I looked out the window of my home. I've been living in Alexandria for a while but I stay hidden. The new-comers came last week and I have not met them yet. I waited until no one was outside near the window and I jumped out the window landing on the shaft under me. Then I jumped down to the ground and stood on the trash can about to jump over the fence.
Then I heard a voice.
"You aren't supposed to leave" it said.
I figured it was Ron but I turned to see one of the new comers.

"And what would you know about Alexandria or me for that matter." My corse voice said.

"I know that if you get hurt out there then no one will be out there to help you" he said.

"I don't need saving or your pathetic help. And if I died no one would miss me so there would be no let down" I said.

"I would" he spoke softly

"I appreciate the effort but what I would appreciate even more is if you stopped pretending that you knew me. Because you don't" I said stepping onto the gate "don't worry, I'll be back sherif " and with that I jumped down and into the grass.
---time skip---
I jumped over the fence and ran back to my home but then had an idea.
I stood on the shaft of the window and pulled myself onto the roof and stood there. I jumped off and onto the other roof and did that a few more times then finally reached the strangers house.

I held onto the side but let my feet dangle down and landed on the shaft and climbed into the room through the window.
The boy was just laying on his bed.

"Nice room." I said as he jumped like two feet in the air.
I chuckled

"I told you I'd be back" I said as I tripped over a comic on the ground.
"Shit" I said and he looked at me in a weird way.

"Hey. I'm a teenager. I cuss a lot, nap a lot, and hate a lot" I said earning a few laughs from him as he helped me up.

"How did you even get here" he asked.

"Oh well I climbed on the roof then jumped here and crawled through your window. Duh" I said.

"What is your name anyways or should I keep calling you 'that girl who didn't listen to me'" he asked.

"Max." I said. "You're turn"



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