Water balloons, Finding Dory, and Old ladies

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This is my favorite chapter!

The Loud voice rang in ears as we all hopped off stage.
Then everyone kept looking at me and chandler

"Take a picture it lasts longer" I said rolling my eyes.

They started whispering. I. Then glared at Steven.
"They are saying that you and Chandler play the part as friends really good" he said to me as me and Chandler looked at each other and laughed

"Seriously" I asked "I hate this guy"

"What he's not your type" Mingus asked

"I don't have a type. If i like you then you must be special because I hate everyone" I said.

Then Lauren came out with a box with wrapping paper on it.
"We got you a gift" she said.

"Thanks" I said as I opened it and saw it was a phone. I squealed and hugged her.

"Riggs" I yelled "toss me a coke"

"No" he replied.

"You wanna fight" I asked jokingly.

"I think Natalie Mae would beat you" Dania said and I smirked.

"Anyway so tomorrow is adult night and-" Lennie said but I interrupted him.

"Hold up there is adult night but no kids night" I said "that's just cold"

"We need a break. You don't" Lennie replied.

"Well I'm gonna make one" I declared as Katelyn, Austin, Me, Chandler, and Mingus planned it.

---the next morning---
I woke up and dressed in skinny jeans, Chacos, and a jersey. I then got my skateboard and skated down to the local store and got scary movies, popcorn, flashlights, candy, and water balloons.
I then rode home and ordered pizza and waited for the peeps to arrive.
They finally got there at 6:30 right as Lauren left.

"So what do you wanna do first" I asked.
"PIZZA" katelyn yelled charging toward the food.

I laughed and we all got some.
Then we took selfies and posted it on Instagram. Then I took one with just Chandler as he does i duck lips I kissed him on the cheek.
I got some good comments and some bad.
Then we watched The Conjuring and ate popcorn. After the movie I got an idea.
"Let's play hide and seek in the dark." I said and we did nose goes and Austin was it.

We told him to count to 30 then I made a beeline outside. I went to the pool ad stood on the diving board. As soon as he was done counting he came outside and I didn't notice so when I turned around he pushed me in the pool. I grabbed him and pulled him down with me. As soon as I came up I splashed him.
Then we got out and chased the guys around and soon everyone was in but Katelyn. So Chandler picked her up and dropped her in.
Before we went inside we took a selfie and went inside and changed.
We watched finding Dory and that gave me idea.

I posted the picture of us and commented 'playing hide and seek. Couldn't find Dory'

Within minutes I had 300 likes and 7k followers.
Then we got board and I asked if they wanted to have a water balloon fight.
I filled them up then chose the team captains.

"Team captains are Austin and Mingus" I said.

"Chandler" Mingus said.
"Katleyn" Austin called

"Ugh I'm stuck with Natalie Mae" Mingus said

I rolled my eyes and we got started. I took a water balloon and tossed it at Austin and he dodged it so I chucked another one at him and it hit him in the back.
Soon we only had one left so I snatched it outta Chandlers hand.

"Who do you think you are" he asked.

"Running around leaving scars" I sang
"Collecting your jar of hearts" Austin joined in.
"And tearing love apart" Katelyn sang.

"You're gonna catch a cold" Mingus sang too.
"From the ice inside your soul" I sang.

"WHO DO THINK YOU ARE!?" We all screamed/sang.

Then the neighbors lights turned on and an old lady stepped out.
"Quit that racket" the yelled at us and so I threw the water balloon at her and we all looked at each other and ran..

So I think that the song of this chapter should be

Here's to never growing up
By Avril

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