Episode 2

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Today we will do the second episode that I'm in. I decided to wear ripped skinny jeans, a shirt with 72 on it, and combat boots.
When we arrived at the studio Andrew came up to me.

"Good luck" he whispered and I smiled to myself.

I jumped over the fence and didn't look back. I walked for a while killing a few walkers here and there.
"Give me your weapons" a deep voice said behind me.

"No" I said turning to see three men.

"You're gonna regret that" one said as everything went black.
---one hour later---

I woke to see the three men still beating me. They were to busy beating a little girl up that they hadn't even taken my weapons. I reached for my katana and sliced them.

I stood up then fell back. I took their weapons and found a stick that was about the right size. I used it as a crutch but before I hobbled away  "I win" I spat.

When I finally got to Alexandria I climbed over the fence kinda. I felt a rope on the other side and pulled myself up. I then went to my house.  I walked up to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.
I had a black eye and a busted lip with seven bruises on my legs. I lifted my shirt and saw that I had a cracked rib.

I had tears in my eyes and I only knew one person who would really care. I knocked on his door.
As sheriff answered he gasped and pulled me into a hug he said "I told you-"

"I have a cracked rib and all you can say is I told you so?" I interrupted him.
We walked up to his room.

"Why didn't you go see Pete" he asked.
"I wanted you to know that I was okay" I replied.

"This is ok!?" He asked.

"Well I'm not dead now a I" I said raising my voice.

He tried to get me to go to Pete but I wouldn't get up so he picked me up and walked to Petes house. Which unfortunately is Rons too.
We knocked and Pete answered gasping at the sight of me. Ron just happened to be downstairs.

"Oh. I see you've me Princess sunshine" he said to Carl.

"And unfortunately we all know prince douche himself." I said but Carl ignored both of us.

"What hurts worse" Pete asked.

"Oh I don't know maybe the cracked rib" I said sarcastically.

"Your gonna have to take your shirt off" he said as I did. Good thing I wore a bra.
But that didn't get prince to stop staring.

After a while of getting bandaged up I was able to leave so Carl and I went to his house and talked for a while

"I should head home." I said but Carl wouldn't let me leave.

"Then how do I get there genius" I asked.

"You can sleep here" he said

I muttered a quiet whatever and layer down falling fast asleep.


We are the walking deadOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant